need advice on how to start toning up my tummy

Vicki Browning
on 11/6/07 8:42 am - IN
I am on my journey of loosing weight I started at 353 and have lost 50 lbs but my stomach has started to move south.   Any suggestions on maybe how to tone it a little.  I can not afford to go to a gym or buy equipment and also I have lung diease so hooked up to oxygen... I really need some advice    
Kelli ~.
on 11/6/07 10:28 pm - Atwater, CA
Hello, The biggest way to firm up the tummy is doing crunches, I got an exercise ball and do the crunches from it, thus saving my back from a hard surface. I do also do "core" exercises, one where y ou are on the floor on your back, knees up and arms to your side lifting upwards...helps to tone up the butt and all of that. Also, if you want to change up the bicycling crunches where you are on the floor and hands clasp behind your head and alternating right elbow to left knee...left elbow to right knee....this works, but may have to wait to do these cause they are pretty tough. Just take it slow!!! However, only so much will do...I've lost quite a bit of weight and will need PS (Tummy Tuck) cause it's just too loose and I can't get it to go any further...but I am happy with my results I wear size 8's now, would like to get to size 6 by summer but we shall see. :)  Kelli


Kelli ~.
on 11/6/07 10:29 pm - Atwater, CA
PS...I started out at 370lbs and now around 145-150...not too shabby huh? Keep the faith, you'll do fine! Enjoy the ride :) Kelli


Vicki Browning
on 11/6/07 11:15 pm - IN
Wow congrats on the tremendous weight loss.   I hope I am that lucky to get down to that size.  I want to be healthy so bad because of my lung diease.   I so want to enjoy my grandkids(5) of them.  The ball you were talking about will it hold a 300 lb person and can you recomment on and where possibly to get it.?   I cant get down on the floor unless someone or a crane is there to help me up. lol    I can get in and out of the bathtub but having water in the tub helps me be mobile in getting out.  My problem is the stomach apron I have I am not large in my butt or legs and hips its all out front in the tummy.   I know I will have to have the tummy tuck but till I achieve the weight loss I dont want my tummy dragging the ground either  lol.   Thank you so much for responding to me Vicki  Have a Blessed Day   PS  you are out there where my brother lives,  he is in SF and moved there 18 yrs ago to get his doctrine at Berkley and never came back home he loves it out there.  
Kelli ~.
on 11/7/07 10:23 am - Atwater, CA
Hey Vicki, Yea many people do move to California and never go home's the weather I think! I had all my weight basically in my stomach as well, however I didn't have to contend with a lung disorder. I'd try maybe starting with water exercise in a pool, doing weights there till you've gotten down some more where getting to the floor is more reasonable. The ball I got was at Walmart, but I'd suggest a better ball...I think the 65 would do, but then you can ask someone at a sports store that or a trainer at a gym. My ball supports me and did when I was around 200lbs...I think they can hold up to 400, but I'd do some checking around and best to buy quality. Mine is okay, but I think I should have bought a better one...maybe in time I will. Best of luck to you!!! Kelli


Vicki Browning
on 11/7/07 11:18 am - IN
Thank you Kelli so much for giving me some pointer...  Best of luck to you in your final journey on getting into size 6 
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