First 5K report!
Hi all -
First off - thanks for answering all my questions about running!! I did my first 5K yesterday! I ran the whole way and my time was 40:22 - my best time to date!
It was cool and windy waiting around to start - about 40-45 degrees. Brrr! But I knew I would warm up quickly. I was so excited when the race started. I didn't hear a starting gun or anything, but all of a sudden the crowd started moving and we were off. Overall the race went very quickly - it was nice running a course I hadn't run before. My surgeon was also running - I tried to keep up with her, but that didn't last long! Before I knew it I was close to the end! I was confused about where to go - a lot of the runners who had already finished were walking around and the "chute" wasn't clear. But - I found it and then celebrated!! The pictures are in my profile from the morning. And...I've got the runners bug - I'm thinking of doing a Turkey Trot later in Nov!!!

Check out the video on youtube that my partner made about my WLS journey!
Congratulations on your first race. They are awesome. Now you have something that can occupy every weekend of the summer
BTW, I always over dress for 5K's. For some reason, I don't remember how much I will warm up. Congrats again

Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Great job. Now you have an official time. It gives you the mark to beat at your next race. I'm assuming there will be plenty more. I'm doing the 10k Turkey Trot down here in Delaware on the 22nd (as long as my wife doesn't need help in the morning, although things are usually under control). I should be running two 5ks prior to that race. When the bug hits it hits hard.
Keep your legs moving and the heart pumping,
Great job!!! I'm so glad you posted ... I was really curious how it went! You did fabulous!
You'll be signing up for more ... it's a great buzz to accomplish something like this! Keep it up! I knew you could do it!
Deanna :)
"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen
Weight lost: 140 pounds