Pace keeps getting better and better!
Surgery 08/02/07 First 5k Walked 09/09/07 58:27 -Pace 18:49 First 10k Walked 10/7/07 1:47:20 -Pace 17:16 First 10 Run/Walk 10/14/2007 1:19:31 -Pace 12:48 First 5k Run!Run!Run! 11/3/2007.....I ran the whole damn thing without stopping 37:16 - Pace 12:00 I hadn't even planned on running today. Was just going to walk it with the ladies I walk with, started out with a jog and then couldn't make myself stop when the rest did. My mom said "Go for it girl!" and I did. Have not made it 3.1 miles without stopping. Was training to run my first 5k on Thanksgiving day, guess I just did it a little early. I was 3 months out on 11/3 (yesterday) and I am freakin' running a 5k with no still brings tears to my eyes. I think I was more excited finishing this than the 10k cause I had to stop and walk part of that. Today was about pushing myself that little bit further. May not seem like much to some but a whole hell of a lot to someone that could barely walk down the block 10 months ago. Liz
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Best wishes on your journey!!