Wow! I didn't know this forum existed!

on 10/27/07 11:03 am - Tallahassee, FL
Hi!  I'm Tracie.  I had RNY 2 years ago, lost 122 pounds (145 at 5'3").  I got pregnant after my weight stablized.  I gained 25 during the pregnancy (exercising throughout) and have lost all but 5 pounds since my son's delivery.  I was completely non-active before WLS.  During my weightloss, I got addicted to exercise.  I started with walking, then started working with a personal trainer and taking spinning and pilates classes.  Since I had my son (3/13/07), I've been going to the gym 5 days a week and taking any class they offered.  Recently I started running.  There is an annual charity 5K at my job that I walked for the first time after my WLS.  Then last year I walked it (5 months pregnant) and beat my time by 3 minutes.  Last week I ran it for the first time and I'm siked!!!  I have another 5K planned for November and another in December.  My goal is to participate in a triathlon in April.  The more I exercise; the more I love it.  I don't know if I'll ever lose the extra skin around my tummy without surgery, but darn if I'm not going to try!   Today I rode 9 miles on the bike (3 miles pulling my 2 sons in the trailer, and 6 by myself on my new hybrid), and I ran 1 mile w/the baby in the jogging stroller.  Anybody else do triathlons???? Tracie

Tra - mom to Jeremy(post-WLS) & Jamie (pre-WLS) & #3 due 2/23/13

100_1449-1.jpg picture by tbn122074_photo

on 10/27/07 10:57 pm - Netherlands


Good for you that you lost all that weight and have excerised the 'baby fat' off!!

I'm getting back into exercise myself and I am enjoying it as well. I'm only 9 months out and am still working toward my goal weight but YES!!!!!!

I'm interested in starting to run also - there are lots of marathons here .... but I need to work myself up to it.

A Triathlon sounds REALLY great - thanks for the ideas as  now I'm thinking about it!



Surgeon, Dr. Dillemans - Belgium

on 10/28/07 9:09 am - Manteca, CA
Awsome journey. Congrats on your desire to continuing exercising. Wish I could do it more, but have spinal stenosis in my back and very limited on what I can do. I used to walk 2 miles 4-5 days a week, but can't cause of back. I was doing water aerobics all summer on my own in apartment pool. I need to do something until I can get my back fixed or this weight off. Going for the DS in a few months.




Check out  and
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 10/28/07 10:07 am - Long Island, NY

Great job on the exercise - especially keeping it while you were pregnant!  I'm with you on loving exercise.  I haven't done any triathons - but I'm thinking about it.  I'm doing my first marathon next Sunday!


5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 10/28/07 3:11 pm - Alexandria, LA
Wow, Im so glad to find this place too.  I have been doing this all alone except for some recent support on another board here at OH.  My name adn blog are BigOleTriGuy.  I started at 495 17 months ago and couldn;'t wal to the mailbox without a break and in July I dod my first Triathlon at 295.  I trained, get somewaht proficient and finished dead last, but I finished and I got so much support from the entire crowd it was amazing,  the feelings of accomplishement were great and I would like to find a group of others that have made some strides adn dealt with the aftermath,  there is some stuff I feel that ohters may be feeling that only we really understand.   ie - the lull after a big accomplishment, after the shower of people telling you all that great stuff you did, adn how you did something, but Im still on  a journey, I ain't done yet, but my mind says "I did it" "it's over" what can I complete next, only it's isn't over, I still have more to lose and I get a bit grumpy at myself for skippng workouts and slacking on training, I guess Im not a great self motivator but especially need some comrades foing int he same direction with some of the same battles.  Any of this sound familiar.   ok, thats it for now, I got to get tot bed, but Il will be back to this board and hope to see soem of you around,   emile aka bigoletriguy
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