Just getting started...

Jennifer T.
on 10/24/07 10:06 pm - Sterling Heights, MI
Well I am 5 weeks post op and have started exercising now. I was walking which is of course a form of exercising but now I'm back at the gym working out.  I went on Monday and road the bike for 31 minutes and did 5 miles.  I went on Tuesday and road the bike for 28 minutes and did 5.6 miles. No gym yesterday. I went today and road the bike for 27 minutes and did 5.6 miles. I am waiting to get clearence to start on weights and resistance machines from my surgeon next week. What did everyone else start out doing? Just looking for some advice. I have slowed down in my weight loss already so I want to start to kick things into gear. Have a great day everyone :) Jen
Scott William
on 10/25/07 2:14 am
Don't rush into the weights too quickly.  I developed an incisonal hernia because I jumped in to quickly.   When I went back, I just started with walking for the first 6 weeks.  That gradually turned into running and more running.  Besides that, I worked out all the main muscles with 3 exercises per muscle.  I did 3 sets of 8-10 reps to start and I started really light.  That helped with the soreness.  When I say light I mean that if I could do 50 lbs, I would do 10 on the first day just to get the muscle used to moving that way.  After increasing it gradually, I was where I wanted to be without the sore week at the start. Good luck

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4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
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