New to forum Any women lifting?
Hi Maxine
I’m happy to hear you’re ignoring the personal trainer. I think most people should.
Believe it or not, women have the same skeletal muscles as men. They react to exercise the same way, whether you’re a man or a woman. Women just don’t have as much testosterone as men, so can’t get as large…usually. The women that I’ve personally seen make the fastest and best progress, are the ones that train like a guy.
Stick with the basics, bench press, squats, rows, etc. Train relatively heavy and get a rest day every other day or two. The keys are consistency and progressive resistance. You have to continually add weight, reps or do the same work in a shorter amount of time to make progress.
There are routines all over and other sites ( or are my favorites), so I don’t like to spew one out on here because there are too many variables, like the type of equipment you have available, your experience and conditioning. Just pick a basic routine and stick with it.
Good luck
Hello Earl,
Thank you so much I was actually on yesterday and they had a lot of good info. I started weight lifting years ago when I was just playing around. But now i have been given a second chance at life and I want to do it right. But anyway the extra protien can only help! Thanks for your advice and I will look at the other sites as well. Best Regards maxine
"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen
Weight lost: 140 pounds