Cycling 109 miles post op...questions!!!!!

(deactivated member)
on 10/21/07 9:51 pm

ok, i have a question for post ops.  how many of you people have tried any extreme sports...endurance activities, etc. i'm training for 109 mile bike ride in one day. i'm having a horrible time getting in enough calories, etc. i feel cruddy afterwards. i need advise from anybody that has done this.  i can't find any studies on this. my doctor doesn't have alot of advise because not many people do endurance sports after gastric bypass. honestly, i'm not sure if my body can take it.  i think we all have a bid of malabsorption afterwards.  please tell me about your experiences.  thanks!!!!  I've heard that there are people on this forum that have done do you do it?  The furthest i've gone at this point is 70 miles.  i found out at 62 miles i burn about 7000 calories!!


Scott William
on 10/22/07 3:04 am
First of all, I have not ridden a bike in 15 years.  I do know that if you have gone 70 miles, you can go 109 miles.  You can do it. Secondly, I have run two marathons and I am now gearing up for Disney's Goofy race where you run a half marathon on Saturday and a full on Sunday.  That is 39.3 miles in two days.  It is all about the carbs.  I will have to carb load for a few days before and during the races.  The tough one will be the marathon because I will have depleated most of my carbs on the first day.  I will rely on lots of power gel because my stomach will take it.  That adds instant (almost instant) energy.  For the run, I will take one every 4 miles which will be about 40-45 minutes.   Most people use up all storred carbohydrates in the first 60 minutes of exercise.  After that your fat storage starts getting used.  This is harder to break down and you essentially go into slow down mode.  As long as you can keep the carbs comming, you should be fine. I will send some people from the Men's board here to help.  There are some real bike guys there.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
(deactivated member)
on 10/22/07 4:33 am
thanks so much for your response.  i think maybe i need to do more gels, etc. i think i'm not taking in enough.  i didn't realize the stored was burned in the first 60 minutes...this is just such a new thing for me. what types of gels do you use? i like the accelerade...has protein as well as carbs. thanks for forwarding to the other board.  i'm in learning mode!!! congrats on  your accomplishments!!!!
on 10/22/07 5:59 am - Colonial Heights, VA
I don't bike but I walk/jog/run.  I am doing 10Ks.  When I first started training, 4 months from surgery (Jan 07),  I hit some serious energy walls.  I am now 13 months out and have picked up my 10K time form 1 hr 38 mins to 1 hr 7 mins and working to get under 1 hr.  What I learned since starting out at 4 months post-op,... I needed more:  1) iron to get the blood able to carry more oxygen to my muscles.  I take two prenatal multivitamns (28 mg iron each) in the morning and two (18mg iron each) multivitamins in the afternoon.  2) more protein (from 60 to 200 gms; didn't get that 60 gms was the minimum and didn't understand that we only have a 50% absorption rate of what we take in; so 200 nets me approx 100 absorbed)  3) tripled my B-12 intake (1 2000mcg sublingual in the morning with a B Complex liquid and two 500 mcg sublinguals in the afternoon)  4) a potassium supplement to overcome physical fatigue, regulate body fluids, contol cramps, and fight depression (mental fatigue); I progressed from bananas to pills.  5) a magnesium supplement to help energy production and reduce cramps Now I do pretty good, but Scott's advice is pretty good stuff too I hadn't incorporated that might help.  He goes farther than I do. I have never done more than 6.5 miles at a time jogging or gone for longer than 2 hours per session,...he has and helped me when I first got started. Hope any of that saves you some of the exhaustion I experienced.  Good luck with that bike ride and congratulations on weightloss, the extreme sports undertaking, and your new active post-op life.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
(deactivated member)
on 10/22/07 6:38 am
thanks and congrats on your success. i will try the vitamins and the extra protein. i have to admit by being a vegetarian i barely get enough protein as it is. i've just started doing some suppliments.  i have to change something. i feel like i have a hangover the day after as it is now!! thanks again for your response
on 10/22/07 10:08 am - Syracuse, UT
Hello their . I am a biker too . I ride almost every day . I ride to work and back . As  every one ele's as said use the gel's for long rides .  Good carbs and there light weight . In the cycling game its all about  weight . I have three diferent typs of bikes . One is the bike I ride to  work, then I have a road bike and  I have a full suspension for tearing those mountain trails that Utah is so well knowen for . I take gels on long rides .  although I have not done a ride that long . I enjoy the mountain rides the best though .  Nick. 
Chris S.
on 10/22/07 9:40 pm - SC
At my Dr's office we have a nutritionist on staff-who is also a personal trainer. She said basically everything Scott said. I cannot take the power gels so I rely on Sport Beans. I also do just like Scott is saying, carb load-but for me never the day before the race, usually 2 days before. Even though we have all had the same surgery, I think everyone finds their own path. I have my first marathon this Sunday!! And I have been searching all the blogs I could find about running one and they all have a common theme--during training find out what works best for you and stick to it. I wish you luck on your huge undertaking, congratualtions -you've come a long way.  Good luck on the bike ride. When is it going to be? Chris

The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.....John Bingham aka The Penguin

(deactivated member)
on 10/22/07 11:31 pm

congrats on your marathon! thanks for the info. i'm gonna try all the suppliments and the carb loading.  thanks for the luck. my ride is mid nov. the furthest i've gone is 70 miles...but i feel hung over the day after!!! i think i'll finish but will be much slower than i would like....but even slow is finishing!!! susan

Chris S.
on 10/23/07 12:29 am - SC
I thought after the marathon a goal would be a 1/2 traithlon. To do that-I want to take up biking. How did you decide which bike was best for you. Know of any place to get a deal?
(deactivated member)
on 10/23/07 12:41 am
cycling is great and is much easier on the  knees...but have known lots of folks to get into accidents lately so be careful!!!! with that said find a dealer that you trust by talking to people locally. this time of year is great. the 2007 bikes are on sale cause the 2008 are coming out. i would get at least shimano 205 components...i'd get a triple crank or a compact crank.  i like my lemond but lots of bikes are great and you should ride a few to get the feel.  i have friends that have treks and have to find the one that fits you. also, make sure your dealer will "fit" your bike to you..they can make adjustments. and has some great deals on accessories, etc. let me know how it goes!!
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