Arch Pain
Hi all,
I do alot of elliptical work and some running, for a total of about 2 hours a day (run/walk for maybe 30 mins of it) for a couple of years now. I have started to get some pain in the arch of my right foot. Have I just overworked it or do you think I don't have proper support. Kinda Vague I know.
Thanks, Carla
For Christmas last year, my mom got me a git certificate for Frank's Shoes in Middletown, NY. (That is about a 2 hour trip for you) Anyway, I went there and got arch supports which I have been wearing ever since. To be honest, I have not noticed that they work because I didn't notice any problems before. There were a few people who came in while I was getting fitted that swear by them. I certainly don't think it would hurt to try. Perhaps you can find a running shoe store in your area that can suggest something.
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
You could be getting plantar facititis. Where there is a strain on your tendons running on the bottom of your foot. I had it and it took 1 yr to go away. This was before my surgery. You can look it up online. And they will tell you to :
1. take motrin to reduce swelling(which you can't do) maybe celebrex?
2. ice it
3. stretch it
I was doing the above and then added physical therapy. And got custom orthodicts from the poditrist. (which are wonderful)
I had to do all these things together to get relief. I still wear the orthodicts in my shoes- love them.
To ice your foot you can freeze a water bottle and then roll it back and forth over the bottom of your foot. Take care of it.
Like the other person suggested, you may have plantar fascitis (sp?). Is it worst in the morning, or after you have been sitting a while, and then you stand up? That's a sign. I would go have it checked out with a doctor. I had it years ago, and it took me a long time to get rid of it. Custom shoe inserts is what did it for me. I don't wear them anymore, but wore them for a long time until I was healed.
Good luck! It's a frustrating injury to have, because it can really limit your activity for it to heal.