20 mile run yesterday

on 10/14/07 8:37 am - Long Island, NY

Yesterday I did the 20 mile training run for the marathon.  I can't believe I did it - I am so excited.

I was very fortunate to be running with a woman from my training program.  She is a much stronger runner than me, and she really kept me moving along.  I finished the 20 miles in 3:40:50, not counting breaks for bathroom and water breaks. 

I was expecting to be sore today, but I have to say I am pleasantly surprised.  I am really not sore at all.  I did stretch and roll (on the foam roller) plenty yesterday and I think it really made a difference.

I am so happy to have this run behind me; the hardest part of the training is now done.  It was great to run the 20 miles , and definitely a confidence builder for the marathon. I can't wait until marathon day!  Three weeks from today is the big day.

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog: LosingForLife.com
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Chris S.
on 10/14/07 9:56 pm - SC
Mary Thats FANTASTIC!! I did my run yesterday too. Its an amazing feeling isn't it!! I bought a camelback for water-the kind that goes around your waist-it worked well. I tried eating 2 small snicker bars at 16 miles and it worked fine. I have to try the GU this week You are so right-what a confidence builder. I'm thinking 20 miles in 4 hours...that gives me 2 1/2 hours to do the 6.2 miles--I should be able to do that (famous last words right!!).  And I do feel great this morning-although I am down 6lbs from yesterday-gotta get my water and protein in today. I did have trouble sleeping last night-I went out at 4:30pm and did not get back till 8:30pm....too close to bedtime When I came back I was so thirsty-so I took a big drink of Crystal light lemonade-cold----and almost threw up. I have to read more about after the run. I'm not sure if it was the coldness or sweetness.  I then took a shower and started shivering, did that happen to you? By the end of my run it was cold outside-I'm guessing I lost some body heat PLEASE tell me if you learned anything yesterday. I learned I am definitely going to change shirts at about the 20 mile marker, I am not going to stop totally-its better to just keep walking and drink, the snickers were great. I tried a Snickers marathon bar-1 bite-it was so sugary I had to take a drink and started dumping so none of that--maybe orange slices I LOVE not having to do laps-to have one long 20 mile trail to run. It makes it all go by better. I LOVE my ipod shuffle. I got the earpieces that go over the ear-wonderful.  When is your marathon again? Mine is Sunday Oct 28th. Good luck to you!! Chris
on 10/15/07 1:24 am - Salem, OR

Hi Chris!

You're doing great with your running!  I can't wait to hear how your marathon goes too!  Thank goodness there is this board to help keep me inspired!

I read what you said about getting the shivers after your run ... this happens to me too.  Do you know what causes this?  It happens to me every time I run outside, even if the weather is hot.  I'm just curious what would cause this! Did you eat regular Snickers bars or the energy ones?  I don't have issues with dumping and I'd like to find something that perks my energy during long runs.  I thought your Snickers idea was a good one! Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Chris S.
on 10/15/07 4:03 am - SC

Hi Deanna

I have not found out why the shivers happens-but when I do I will let you know

For the snickers, and I'm talking the bite size (like the size of a nickel) I got the idea from the cross country coach at the college I work at. He said he carried them because they were easy and did not melt like others. With the peanuts it gave alittle protein (more like a rationalization I know).

I tried Snickers Marathon bar, Chewy Peanut Bar...it was so much like sugar thats when I got the sweats while running. Alittle wierd to be dumping while running your 17th mile..

I'll find out about the shivers and let you know. How is your running going?


The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.....John Bingham aka The Penguin

Scott William
on 10/15/07 4:08 am
Chris,  Are you wearing moisture wicking clothing?  I wear some great stuff that helps keep me kind of dry.  When I run I will usually eat one power gel every 5 miles or so.  I eat them slowly because If I eat them too quickly they will mess my stomach up.  I will rip them open and  break down what I eat into about 6 portions over about 1/2 mile.  That is slowly enough for me.  At the Disney marathon I drank some gatorade had a power gel and ate a banana in about a 1/4 mile stretch.  That sent me to the porto-potty for about 5 minutes.  Be careful about trying new things.  Seems like you are doing it the right way with the training experiments.  Also, I will bring money on runs and stop in for oarmeal cookies of granola bars along my run.  That helps me too.  Good luck

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 10/15/07 1:21 am - Salem, OR

Great job Mary! If you can do 20 miles, you will have no problem finishing your marathon!  You are totally awesome ... I have to tell you that I've watched your posts in the past and you have helped inspire me on my runs.  You are an amazing woman!  I can't wait to hear how your marathon goes!


"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Scott William
on 10/15/07 4:01 am
That is a great confidence booster.  Only a 10K past that.  That was your longest run before the marathon,  I assume.  Are you starting your tapper now?  Did you get emotional after.  After all my new long runs, I got teary eyed.  Not sure why.  Good luck in the big race.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Kevin A.
on 10/15/07 11:17 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
Great job Mary!!!

Great time!!!Wow!! You finish 20 miles at a time I finished 13!! Your posts keep me motived!! I have not gone past 1/2 marathon yet. It has me a little worryed if I be able to do a full marathon.

Best wishes on your big day!!!
 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
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