Any Advice about my first marathon???

Chris S.
on 10/12/07 2:20 am - SC
Hello!! I am new to this baord-usually on the S.C. board-and was very excited to find this one. I have my first marathon Oct 27th in Greenville SC and was wondering about any words of wisdom from anyone who has had gastric bypass and has run one. I've been training for 20 weeks now--working following Hal Higdon's training program for novice marathin runners. My philosophy is simple; I want to start and finish and enjoy myself along the way. And-I guess to finish within the 6.5 hr time limit. I use to run in HS 25 yrs ago and picked it up again during the summer. I just really enjoy it-but I have been training on my own.  I am worried about nutrition during the race mostly, but ANY words of wisdom or advice would be welcome. My friends have given me great advice---don't do it!! But-I know I can do this.  If anyone reads John Bingham the Penguin--I like his philosphy, run for the enjoyment.  Any advice to a nervous but excited first timer??? Chris

The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.....John Bingham aka The Penguin

on 10/12/07 11:19 am - Long Island, NY

Chris, You're are betting me by one week to my first marathon.  I am doing the NYC marathon on 11/4, so I have no words of wisdom to offer you.  Sounds like you have a great attitude; "start, finish and enjoy myself along the way"!  Way to go!  I've told people my goal is to finish, I don't care if I'm running, walking or crawling. 

I'm worried about nutrition also.  I've use "GU" during my long training runs, and that has worked pretty well for me.  I will have my longest run tomorrow, 20 miles, so I am curious to see how that goes.

I enjoy reading things by John Bingham.  I like his book "No Need for Speed" and I've recommended it to lots of people. Best of luck on the 27th.  Let us know how it goes.


5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Chris S.
on 10/13/07 5:55 am - SC

Hi Mary Thanks for the reply and good thoughts. WOW-the NYC marathon-congratulations!! I imagine the excitement and adrenline will carry you about 1/2 way. Best of luck to you. The marathon I signed up for had 176 runners last year, so I hope to find someone to pace with. My longest run--20 miles--is tomorrow too!! Then I taper down to 14 next week and then the marathon. During the week I do about 18-24 miles. Its an amazing feeling isn't it? Especially knowing where we were before WLS and after surgery.

I bought some GU to make sure it won't make me dump. I'm going to try it today. I've also got my "pit crew" to follow me during the race (my wife and 2 kids). I hope to change shirts at 20 miles, I run with a wristband so I'll change that and if my ipod shuffle runs out fo batteries I'll have a spare just in case. Also-I've read where some people change socks at 20 miles but I'm thinking if I stop too long-I won't start up again I've also read where many marathoners walk thru the beverage stations for about 45 seconds---just to drink properly and then to let the body breathe. I did that during an 18 mile run and it seemed to really work. I bought "glide" for chaffing too. But-I wish you much success, I'll come back and let you know how it went. There is a 6 hr 30 min time limit, so I think I should be good. I drove the course-not hilly at all



on 10/13/07 4:13 pm - MIDWEST CITY, OK
please let us know How you do. I was hoping to be doing that myself. The 27th will be my second re-birthday. I have Walked 2 Half Marathons but every time I get up to 15-18 miles I seem to get sick or injure miself. Not during the walk. Once I fell amd broke my tail bone another time I got pnuemonia. I am shooting for Dec 30th this time. Wish me luck. Good luck, Deb
Scott William
on 10/14/07 4:44 am
You are already practicing the one piece of advice I would give you.  Don't set a goal except to finish and enjoy it.  When you get to the point where you would rather jump in front of a car than finish because it would be easier, don't.  Remember where you came from and put one foot in front of the other.   Scott

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Chris S.
on 10/15/07 4:06 am - SC
When you get to the point where you would rather jump in front of a car than finish because it would be easier, don't.  Remember where you came from and put one foot in front of the other.  TOO FUNNY I know I will remember this quote around mile 24. Thank you for that!! I know it will keep me going for the remailing 2.2 miles. Chris
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