Health Rider
Good Morning,
I was given a Health Rider on yesterday and I want to know if anyone has one, and if you like it? I have no****ched the video that came with it yet, hopefully today. I just don't want this to be another item collecting dust in my house, lol
Accepting any suggestions regarding the health rider,
My sister had one that is now collecting dust and actually rusting out. She used it faithfully for about 6 months. She said it was nice to have in the house but, for her it got boring with no one to talk to or work out with. She signed up for the local gym and has lost about 45lbs. I have an eliptical and a recumbant bike. Both are collecting dust here. I think they are a convenient to have in the home but, also it is too easy to say I will do it later and later never comes. Just my opinion!! I need the accountability that comes with an exercise partner. Good luck to you & I hope you can benefit from having one.
Have A Wonderful Day!!
Liz Sorlie