Question About Missing A Workout
I had planned on doing my workout today but I got tied up in taking my sons to a program and then I work like crazy(5 boys & a wife) I got off at 3pm and had to be back by 4pm(dropping my son off inbetween that hour) and now I feel like I failed at working out again. Is it just me or does anybody else feel guilty when they miss a workout session???
5'6" - 302/155-158
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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06
I found that I had to make exercise a job. Now I never miss it because it is scheduled. Some people believe in getting in their session first thing in the morning so they do not have any excuses. I do my workouts at lunch and after dinner. I make sure that I always have a backup plan, such as heading to the gym if the weather turns nasty. Don't want to use rain or cold weather as an excuse for not getting in a good workout. I also take a lot of classes at the gym, and make sure that the instructors know me, so they give me a lot of grief if I miss one of their sessions. Don't beat yourself up, just figure out what works for you, and go after it. Rob