Sunday's workout

Did you have your surgery? If yes, how did it go and how is the recouperation process going? I remember you said that you had warned all your family and friends that you were going to be a bear. Did they all run away? Due to knee blow out, not once but twice in September, I have been less than serene myself so I really understand.
Lets see, Saturday was a 22 mile bike ride and Sunday was a 5 mile bike ride. I have been banned temporarily from my cardio dance classes, strength training classes and the treadmill

I am eager to learn what you have been able to do after your surgery.
Sorry to hear about the injury. It's depressing isn't it?
I had double hernia surgery on Sept 17th. It was laparoscopic and was only supposed to be 1 insertion point, but he couldn't find the second hernia and started cutting exploration my tummy. So I have 6 instead of 1 cut.
I'm kind of surprised after 2 weeks it's still hurting as much as it is. You really don't realize how many things you use your abs for until you get some kind of surgery like this. Just a deep breath or hiccup can really give me a jolt of pain right now.
Pain meds are pretty much gone. I'm walking, but not at 100%. It seems to feel better when I walk than when I lay around or sit all day. Sitting just kills me by the end of the day.
I'm lifting but very light and kind of working around the surgery right now. I've trained long enough to know how to train around an injury. Surgeon thinks I can start real training after 6 to 8 weeks, which to him and me means heavy squats and deadlifts. I'm not even thinking about it until the pain is gone and all the incisions are healed.
So I'm not doing much. Just walking mainly and doing what lifting I can.
You win the ouch

I am amazed that you are being allowed to do so much so soon after surgery! Then again you were in great physical shape before surgery so maybe that plays into the equation. That is also part of my fear. I really wanted to be much stronger before this surgery and now because of my knee I am somewhat side lined. Oh well, it is what it is and I will just deal with it.
Please take care of yourself and don't overdue.

5'6" - 302/155-158
Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06
I started running in Sept 05 and I did my first half marathon in Mar 05. If you get in a couple of 10 miles over the next three months you should be in good shape for the race. I'm doing a training program and the long run over the next fews weeks is the following: 10/6 Half Marathon 10/13 20 miles run (that will be the longest run of the program) 10/20 10 mile run 10/28 5 mile run 11/4 Marathon day!
In addition to the long run, we usually have a specialty run on Tuesdays (speed training or hill training), abouot 4-5 miles on Thursdays and 3-4 on Sundays.
You are right that there is an amazing group of people out there - yourself included.
5'6" - 302/155-158
Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06