Hey everyone! I could really use some advice here. My workout routine is as follows: M,W,F - Core strengthening class, T,TH, Sat - Cardio Dance 1-2 hours and then upper and lower body workouts with weights and machines. I also usually do some form of exercise for fun on Sat afternoon with my boyfriend (bike riding, kayaking, etc.). Soooo, last Saturday morning I did my usual 2 hours of cardio dance but noticed during the second class that my knees were hurting (Zumba will get you everytime!) but I decided to not whine (internally) and to push myself a little further. Sort of a work through the pain concept. At any rate, after class my right knee started to stiffen up and by evening was swollen and stiff and starting to become very painful. It was very bad by Sunday - very little range of motion, swollen and very painful to bend. I did notice however that it became much worse after sitting or standing still for periods of time. It actually felt better after walking around for a while. Today it is just as bad, possibly worse. The range of motion is about 25% and when I walk I have almost had the knee go out from under me several times today. Starting Saturday night I took some Advil and then rubbed a muscle cream (eucalyptus/menthol and Capsaicin). Sunday night I added an Icy/Hot sock around my knee and at least it did not hurt so much at night. Today it is horrible. I bought a stronger Capsaicin creme ("Screamin' Toast - Capsaicin .03%) and intend to apply it tonight. I spoke to the teacher for the strength training class and he said not to come to class tonight because I would just hurt myself more and to ice my knee tonight to get the swelling down.
Any body have any other ideas? I blew out my knees as a teenager playing soccer and then the weight did not help and they have been hurting for years. How long should I do the rest/Capsaicin/Ice routine before I should consider seeing and orthopedic doc? I really hate that I am not exercising! I need to exercise but even swimming is beyond me at this point and although it does feel better to walk in the short run, I am not sure that I should keep doing that?????
ResolvedVA aka Taylor :)
SW/GW/CW/New GW with muscles!