Need Lots of Advice
Hi all!!! This is my first time on the message board and I am long overdue being here. I am 14 lbs away from my goal weight and would love to start running. I currently walk four about and hour everyday and would like to know how the best way to start running would be. I also need some advice on building muscle in my upper arms...triceps and biceps..I have spaghetti looking arms with too much dang saggy skin on them. I really know nothing about weight lifting. I live in a very small town with no gyms anywhere close where I could go to train and learn. I would greatly appreciate ANY advice that I can get. Thanks in advance. Valerie
Valerie, One way to start running would be to add running intervals to your walks; for example walk for 5 minutes, run for 1 minute. The goal would be to gradually increase the running intervals and decrease the walking intervals.
5'6" - 302/155-158
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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06