When to start Gym Post Op
Consult your surgeon, but most tell you to wait 6 weeks before lifting weights or training hard. Mine let go at 4 weeks but I was doing light curls, rubber band and calf work kind of things 2 days back from the hospital. You have to understand I had been training regularly for years before surgery too. I went into surgery walking 2 hours a day and lifting weights once or twice a day. Even when you're healed on the outside, you're still healing on the inside for months. I don't see any reason you could not do some treadmill or elliptical work though 12 days out. If it hurts don't do it. Just take it easy and gradually work up in time and intensity. Good luck Earl

I joined the gym about 3 weeks out. I stayed on the treadmill for another 3 weeks before hitting the free weights at the 6 week mark. I did not feel ready and gave it another 2 weeks before resuming the free weights. In hind sight, I should have waited even a little longer.
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!