Questions on core body strength training assessment

on 8/12/07 11:10 am - Bluemont, VA
Hi everyone! I am new to this particular forum. I had DS WLS 10/2005 and have lost all the weight I wanted and then some. I am actually about 10lbs underweight in my estimate and although I can do 2 hours of cardio dance or 1 hour of cardio dance and then 50 minutes of interval speed walking, I know that my core and upper body strength is the pits. I am to sit in on a core body strength class next Friday with a trainer and then begin his classes, so I am hoping that its all good in the long run. At any rate, the trainer made me go through an assessment before allowing me in the class however and one of his assessments puzzled me. He made me lift first my left and then right leg to my up while on a bosu and I had no problem but then he made me close my eyes and I could not stay upright to save my soul! I tried this again on solid ground and same problem. The minute I closed my eyes I keeled over. Both from the right and the left side. Why does this happen and what exactly does this mean when you can't do this? The trainer said he was not suprised and just said that we would work on it but I am an inquiring type of girl and just wondered. Also, although the trainer came highly recommended and seems really to know his stuff, is there anything that I should be wary of or should expect to see from a core body strength trainer? I appreciate your comments and tips! Regards, Resolved VA DS 10/2005 Hi WT:320 Goal WT:140 Current WT:125 New Goal WT:135 w/muscles!
ResolvedVA aka Taylor :) SW/GW/CW/New GW with muscles! 308/140/130/135
Earl C.
on 8/12/07 12:05 pm - Circleville, OH

The whole balancing on a ball, even a half bosu type ball, like a circus act is a joke. Most legitimate strength coaches will tell you so. There's no reason at all for the average person to be put at risk of injury by doing those types of "stunts". Now if you intend on surfing or skateboarding...balance away.  The whole ball thing for anything but crunches is just a gimmick so these so called personal trainers have something different to offer or sale you on. It's something different so people believe it's special. Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine (personal trainers that take a class and think they know what they're doing).  You want core strength? Save your money and just do some old fashion sit ups, side bends and leg raises, then go grab a big 20 or 30 pound rock and walk around the block with it.  You'll beat bouncy boy any day of the week. It just takes some hard work, no classes or balls necessary.


on 8/13/07 3:12 am - Bluemont, VA
Thanks for the advice. I will seriously have to reconsider whether I want to shell out funds for the classes but then again I like the idea that someone is watching my form and correcting it so that I maximize my work out and maybe avoid some injury in the process. Also, regarding lugging a 30-40lb rock around, my laptop bag fully loaded is approx. 40-50 pounds and carting that around from site to site everyday has not done a whole heck of a lot for my upper body strength. It just makes my shoulders ache abominably - LOL! Thanks again, ResolvedVA aka Taylor SW/GW/CW/New Goal Wt with muscles! 308/140/125/135
ResolvedVA aka Taylor :) SW/GW/CW/New GW with muscles! 308/140/130/135
Chris G.
on 8/13/07 1:17 am
Yea, I would definately ask him if he has a college education in exercise science, kinesiology, or a closely related field. Ask him if he has any certifications, and especially listen for ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine), ACE, or NSCA. As far as what he had you do...all it challenges is your balance. When you are in a new position, such as standing on the bosu, your balance primarily depends on your vision. Taking this fall. It's not about your core strength, it's about your inner ear. Paying money (good money) for classes in "core" strength could help you out, but there are tons of exercises that you can do at home with no equipment. Planks, Side Planks, Six-inch leg lifts, Figure-8s are all exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home and not pay a dime extra.
on 8/13/07 9:37 am - Bluemont, VA
Chris- Thank you for the advice on trainer certs/background. That is very helpful to know. Wow, so you too think much could/should be done at home. Hmmm... I may try the course for 12 weeks and see how it goes and then if I can't transition to home. Again, thanks for the input. Regards, ResolvedVA aka Taylor SW/GW/CW/New GW with muscles! 308/140/125/135
ResolvedVA aka Taylor :) SW/GW/CW/New GW with muscles! 308/140/130/135
Rob S.
on 8/13/07 10:13 pm - DE
Actually, I am advocate of balance and core training.  You can have a much more intense session if you do the same weight on a ball, towel, or bosu.   As a super-morbidly obese person I had terrible balance and a constant "fear of falling".  Now I can attend a yoga class and do all sorts of unnatural poses.  The most important thing about any exercise class is too work at maximum intensity, sweat profusely, keep attending, and have fun. Rob
on 8/14/07 2:39 am - Bluemont, VA
Rosiers- Thank you so much for your input. I like the idea that there are varying opinions about this. I have had horrible balance my whole life due either to excess weight or maybe yo-yo weighting or who knows why else except that I am very much non-asymetrical. I am left handed, left legged and naturally move to the left. It certainly makes waltzing difficult-LOL! At any rate, I know that spatial planning is very difficult for me. My sister has given up trying to take verbal directions from me and jus****ches my hands when we drive together -LOL! I know several lefties who have this problem but I am not sure if it a developmental thing or just growing up left in a right handed world. I try to take as many aerobic dance classes as possible each week because it forces me to think left and right. I agree completely about your advice to keep attending, work hard and have fun! Regards, ResolovedVA SW/GW/CW/New GW with muscles! 308/140/130/135
ResolvedVA aka Taylor :) SW/GW/CW/New GW with muscles! 308/140/130/135
on 8/14/07 12:03 pm - Independence, IA

OK, this is just my own observations, but I'm 3.5 yrs out and my balance is better than it was after I initially lost my weight, but still not good.  I occasionally get training tips from the Director at our Wellness Center and we were talking about doing lunges.  I told him my balance was very good and he showed me some tips (and also agreed that I was "off-balance" LOL).    Also, by upper body strength has never been that good, but I've been more consistent with my weight and strength training and am able to do quite a bit more than I could 3 months ago.  For me, it's just a keep at it thing....  get some instruction... but in the end do what works for you....  It's different strokes for different folks....  Good luck... Janie 275/235/265  PS and I can't walk 10 steps on the treadmill with any speed involved without at least touching the bars.... LOL

on 8/15/07 1:11 am - Bluemont, VA
Janie- Thanks for the advice. I knew I wasn't the only "unbalanced" person out there - LOL! Also, regarding the treadmill, I actually do great on the treadmill as long as I don't get sucked into the beat of the music in my head phones. On numerous occasions I have started to walk to the beat of the music and this is just not compatible with interval speed walking! I have nightmares that some day I will just fly right off the end as I am bopping along and totally trash myself in the process! Oh, and you will probably be able to appreciate the fact that I routinely (at least once every two weeks) manage to bruise the hell out of my knuckles because I swing my arms when I speed walk and sometimes forget exactly how close I am to the control panel - LOL! Its that spatial planning problem all over again... Good luck with your balance issues, weight and strength training too! ResolvedVA aka Taylor SW/GW/CW/New GW with muscles! 308/140/130/135
ResolvedVA aka Taylor :) SW/GW/CW/New GW with muscles! 308/140/130/135
~Donna~ V.
on 8/15/07 4:00 am - Orlando, Fl
I am taking pilates and that has helped alot with balance. I also see a wonderful personal trainer 2 times a week. I can not imagine him having me do that. We do use a ball but usually for crunches only. Helps stabilize me because I have very bad knees. Good luck!
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