Flabby Belly

on 8/9/07 12:03 pm - Rochester, IN
Ok, I am almost 4 months out and doing well accept for my belly...SO if you can picture Mr. Krab's from Sponge Bob Square Pants, that is me....Well not quite but close... I have skinny arms and legs but the middle is not so skinny.  I have extra baggage there that does hang.  SO I am interested in any form of exercise that will help me get rid of as much as I can, becuase i really don't want to do a tummy tuck!  Thanks for any help you might give!  Aimee
on 8/12/07 6:48 am - Vancouver, WA
Aimee, Unfortunately, you cannot choose where your extra fat comes off. That is called "spot reducing" and don't let anyone tell you that it is possible. Since you carry most of your weight there, that will probably be one of the last places it goes. (I have the same problem w/my hips and thighs). You can however strengthen the muscles underneath which will give you a firmer look. Anything that works your core and abs like 1.crunches - lie on your back, legs up in the air and lift shoulder and head (arms behind head, elbows wide) as you lift your hips off the floor 2. reverse sit up - seated with legs slightly bent, cross your arms and go back and up, tightening abs. You can also angle back to the right and left diagonal for your side abs. 3. standing w/hand behind head - lift right knee up as you crunch (pull your ribcage into hips and tilt your pelvis, but don't round your shoulders. Reverse w/left leg. Hope that helps.
"It is not what you are that holds you back, but what you think you are not."
K B (Tucson)
on 8/12/07 8:40 am - Tucson, AZ
I hear you and hoped I would be the "special" one who could lose this weight and not have hanging skin.  I was wrong.  There are real muscles underneath my hanging belly.  My tummy tuck in a month will finally reveal them.  None of my crunches or other core exercises has been able to get rid of the tummy flab yet.  Don't fool yourself that you too will be "special".  Just do your exercies and see what you get bodywise when you have finished losing weight.  It could turn out better than you think.
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