Exercise Soreness Help!

on 8/3/07 7:56 am - McAllen, TX
I joined a fitness boot camp this past week.  Tonight is session #3.  We worked on lower body on Monday, upper body on Wednesday, and I'm not sure what tonight.  Wednesday mornng was the worst day in terms of pain.  My thighs burned badly.  It was painful to walk.  This morning, my upper body is sore, especially when I lift my arms, and my upper legs are still sore when I walk.  These workouts are really intense.  I'm on a high protein, med fat, low cal diet to help increase muscle and decrease fat.  I know that the pain will lessen as I get used to working out.  However, I need to know what to do before and after exercising to avoid the pain or lessen it.  I'm going to ask the personal trainer tonight for some stretching exercises, but I want to know what you guys do to avoid the pain.    Thanks in advance, JackieBel
on 8/3/07 8:10 am - Houston area, TX
My personal trainer has me "de-knot" my muscle with foam rollers.  You can find them at Target and other sports type places.  They are in the shape of a cylinder and they are made of foam.  I believe they have instructions on how to use them.  You basically "roll" out any painful tensions or stressors in your muscles.


299 start/235 current/180 doc goal/165 my goal

on 8/3/07 2:17 pm - McAllen, TX
I've never heard of them, but I'll check them out.  I'm surprised I'm not so sore tonight after our workout.  In 1 week I have more than tripled the number of crunches, push ups, and laps I can do.  I'm very surprised.  Thanks for the recommendation. JackieBel
Neecee O.
on 8/3/07 11:03 pm - CA
can you take ibuprofin before your workout?  I do this before long hikes or bike rides and it really does help.
on 8/4/07 11:39 pm - McAllen, TX
I didn't think that we could take ibuprofen products after WLS.  I did take the chewable Tylenol after when the sorenes****  I was a lot less sore after Friday's workout, so I think my body is getting used to the workouts.  I hope so.    Thanks, JackieBel
Vivian Prouty
on 8/5/07 2:14 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Hey JackieBel, Don't take IBUPROFEN.....we CAN NOT have it.  If you are sore take some extra strength Tylenol.   If you stretch good before and after the soreness shouldn't be as bad.   ALso it is probably because you have big time stepped up your exercise program.   I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago so I know what you are going through.   Good luck to you....I am sure that you will see fantastic results soon !!! Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian
on 8/7/07 1:20 pm - McAllen, TX
Thanks.  I took chewable Tylenol and that seemed to help.  I wasn't really sore after Friday's session, so I think that my body is adjusting.  My trainer has given me some exercises to do on our off days, and stretches to do to help with the tightness.  I am sooooooo happy I signed up for this boot camp.  I have 3 weeks left.  I can't wait to see how much I improve by then. Thanks so much, JackieBel 
Earl C.
on 8/5/07 7:13 am - Circleville, OH
I'm a big believer in active recovery.  Sometimes doing a little activity on your off days will pump some blood and nutrients into the muscles to help them recover faster. It could be as simple as taking a walk the day after a leg workout or just doing some stretching and pushups the day after a upper body workout. Good Luck. Earl
on 8/7/07 1:17 pm - McAllen, TX
Thanks for the advice.  My trainer gave me some exercises to do, but limited the time to between 20-30 minutes.  He doesn't want me to over do it.  I start his meal plan next Monday.  He wants to see how I do on my regular WLS diet with his exercise program before he makes changes to my diet.  I can't believe how much strength and endurance I've gained in 3 sessions.  The decision to join this boot camp and hire a trainer was the 2nd best decision that I've made.  The first being have WLS.  JackieBel
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