Help - I need snack after workout!
Your body does need some replenishment after you've done a hard workout. A mix of protein with some carbs and some fats is often a good option. Also, keep in mind that if you doing strength training exercises, or exercises that challenge your muscles, your body will need protein soon after your workout so it can repair and rebuild the muscle tissue that was "damaged" by your workout. (That's how the process is supposed to work.) I use the term "damage" loosely; it's not a bad thing, just how our bodies work. Finally, make sure you've had sufficient food and hydration BEFORE your workout. Generally, you want to eat at least one hour before your workout; that gives your digestive system time to process what you've eaten. Otherwise, if you eat too close to your workout time, your body is trying to split your energy between digesting the food that's in your system and giving you energy to workout. I'm sure your trainer can offer some suggestions on how to manage these issue. Enjoy your boot camp! You'll soon be a lean, mean fit machine! Kellie