Exercise Bike Question
I am 7 weeks out and am still trying to find my "niche" as far as exercise goes....before surgery I was doing a little of the Winsor pilates tape and enjoyed the little bit of that I was able to do and look forward to ONE day being able to do the entire thing....anyhow, I don't think that it did much for me s far as the cardio goes and that is where I really suffer..
My question is....should I ride a shorter length of time HARDER or should I ride a longer length of time at a more leisurely rate? My bike keeps track of time and miles but I don't know which is best to track......any thoughts?
With exercise, the thing that was hardest for me to learn was that all of it was important: intensity (how hard you pedal), duration (how long), and frequency (how often). If I were you, just recovering, I would concentrate on frequency. I would focus on committing to a cerain number of days of exercise on this bike and keep upping the days of exercise until you reach 7 (they don't have to all be biking). One day could be a walk. Another housecleaning. Anything to get you moving every day for at least 20 minutes. Good luck! Maryse