Weekend training
Friday -
I was over at Denison University - officiated at a Highland games, threw the discus and some heavy rocks around just for fun and drank too much beer (with Brian Oldfield which was a real treat for me) and ate meat. Saturday More throwing and drinking but pretty much an off day. Sunday 12:40 pm to 2 pm @ home 10 min warmup - abs Suspended Close Grip Floor press superset 1 legged calf raises Incline DB Press Incline Discus Flyes Suspended Barbell Row Reverse Grip Suspended Barbell Row 8 pm to 9 pm @ work gym 20 min walk treadmill Cable Laterals Cable Front Raises Cable Rear Laterals DB Overhead press superset Hammer Curls Earl
Every time there is change, there is also the opportunity for something new to happen,
something better, something easier, more productive, more effective , and even transformational.
My workout this weekend was as follows: Saturday...took the day off and went shopping and vistied with friends. Sunday: Lower body workout: Adducter machine Abductor machine Leg Extentions Leg Curls Calves machine Leg Press Glute Machine I then followed my workout with 30 minutes on Eliptical and 30 min on Stairmaster.
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MM~ 415/154
We write our own destiny; we become what we do. ~ Madame Chiang Kai-Shek