How Did You Get Yourself Off Your Butt...

Linda J.
on 6/23/07 1:51 am - MyTown, NY
and get into an exercising routine? I'm almost 11 months out, and still can't get myself into a regular routine.  I will start some form of exercise, do it for a week or so, and then go back to my lazy self!   I know that exercise will help get the weight off and maintain a goal weight, but....... Any suggestions????  What keeps you moving???   Recliner 

Linda                                               (Favorite Recipes are on My Profile)
There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anais Nin 





Neecee O.
on 6/23/07 3:41 am, edited 6/23/07 3:42 am - CA
way back when i very first realized i needed a daily routine, I designated very early morning as the only time for me that might be undisturbed for regular exercise. i literally placed the alarm clock across the room so i would HAVE TO get out of bed to shut it off. That was the hard part for me, hitting the snooze.  Getting up and out off that bed was key for me. I would then get my workout clothes on before I even did my morning pee! The other part was I made the commitment to do this for thirty days. I actually felt so wonderful that I kept on doing it another thirty days, then date it has been 21 years of early morning exercise for me.  research shows that people who exercise in mornings tend to stick to a regular routine.  Too much stuff just popped up after work.  Only now after all these years do I trust myself to actually go work out after work when I do elect to stay in bed. I must admit these past 6 months I have had sleep issues, so I truly need the sleep in the mornings. I get my workouts made up after work and weekends, but most days I still get up at 4:30 a.m. to do my walk.  I'm just sayin', ya gotta get addicted first before you can trust yourself to fill in workouts whenever.  best of luck...most of all, believe that you can get addicted.
Linda J.
on 6/23/07 12:58 pm - MyTown, NY

Hey Neecee, thanks for the glimpse into your life.  I like your last sentence "believe that you can get addicted."  I have been addicted to so many things in my life that were detrimental to my think that I could actually become addicted to something that would be beneficial, would certainly be a new experience!!!

Guess, like conquering addictions, acquiring new ones should be done with the same determination....tomorrow morning will be my day one! Thanks for the motivation!  Jumping Jacks 

Linda                                               (Favorite Recipes are on My Profile)
There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anais Nin 





Nancy S.
on 6/23/07 7:27 am - Rio Vista, CA
Hi Linda, I join classes that last for a month or six weeks.   That way I will make myself go. Plus after a while you make friends and get to really enjoy classes and then the need for exercise kicks in. I know it sounds weird, but it works for me. Plus it would kill me to lose out on good money that I paid for something. Try it you might like it. Take care, Nancy S.


Linda J.
on 6/23/07 1:02 pm - MyTown, NY
Thanks Nancy! Hmm, never thought about joining a class....  Something to think about and it would be a great way to meet people with the same ambitions. Thanks for sharing such great ideas!  Sit Up 

Linda                                               (Favorite Recipes are on My Profile)
There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anais Nin 





on 6/25/07 2:23 pm - Xenia, OH
I started by contacting the local Y to find out what classes they had (both in and out of the water). I asked them if I could pay per class - instead of having to pay the full fee to join the Y and they said SURE! So I tried out different classes at the Y to see what I liked to do.  I learned (for myself) that I like to have fun when I exercise - so I need to do group things. It can be a body toning class, yoga, water aerobics, etc. - just as long as I'm getting exercise and having fun. I also like to dance - so I bought some dance videos and have been trying to teach myself.  You have to figure out what you LIKE to do. WHY? If you get yourself into an exercise routine that you hate- you won't keep up with it. Find something you like and you'll be wanting to do more and more.
Lulu C.
on 6/26/07 1:38 am - Jacksonville, NC
I've been exercising a minimum of 3 times a week since October 16th of last year. What works for me is going, just getting to the gym. I don't have to work out hard,  sometimes I'll go and walk at a super slow speed, its just going for me. I don't have a plan for my time in the gym. My time is not always used in the best manner, but I go.  30 minutes on a treadmill at 3.5 is better that 30 minutes more of sitting on my tailfeather. Good luck.
(deactivated member)
on 6/26/07 3:29 am
I am so with you on this!!  I want to be addicted.  I allow the whole 'putting everything else first' make me nuts.  I have walked at night for the last three nights.  I am sleeping better so I want to move it to an earlier wake up and get out there then. I CAN DO THIS!!!
Sheri A.
on 6/27/07 11:35 pm
I joined Curves 5 years ago.  It is an easy and relatively inexpensive routine for non-exercisers and you can build up to a pace that is good for you.  I call it reasonable exercise for women!  I like it because it's also a social outlet and when you go often you get to know everyone.  I go after work, driving straight there and I bring clothes to change.  I also go on Saturday and Sunday first thing after breakfast.   Not all Curves are the same so I'd try out a few in your area to see where you feel most comfortable.  I must confess that I am now ready for more after getting most of my weight off and will probably be joining a gym shortly...but I can still highly recommend Curves if you have a hard time exercising.  Good luck!
on 7/3/07 9:54 am - Newport Beach, CA
Linda: One thing that helps me when I don't feel like exercising is remembering the last time I exercised.  More specifically, remembering the way I felt after I completed my last work out.  I felt strong, accomplished and like I was taking care of myself.  I had "done my body chores" for the day.  Once I remember how good I will feel once I have worked out, I am more excited to get going. Another approach to exercise is acquiring a new skill.  Have you wanted to take a sport like golf, tennis or learn a specific dance like the tango or merengue?  These are all activities that involve practice in order to get better.  And while the first few classes or lessons may be be touch and go, after you start seeing an improvement, you'll want to continue and before you know it, you've got an exercise routine!   Keep trying new things, and remember how good you'll feel when you find your routine! 
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