Please tell me what you think about this

on 6/15/07 2:17 pm
These are some excerpts from an article on What do you fitness experts think about it?  Aside tfrom the fact that yes, it is clearly written in a sarcastic tone that may put some people off, is the information itself accurate?

Top 5 Ways to GAIN Body Fat by Rachel Cosgrove

Are you looking to put on a little extra pudge to keep warm? Maybe your boyfriend or husband wants to see "more" of you? How can you put on that extra layer of fat you’ve always wanted to fill out your jeans? Follow these five recommendations and you’ll be on your way!

1. Do long, slow aerobic exercise every day.

The more aerobics you do, the more your metabolism can slow down, the more efficient your body will be at storing fat, especially if you’re looking to gain some size on your thighs!

Recommendation: Go to the gym every single day and find a treadmill or Stairmaster where you can watch TV while you’re working out. After all, you’re going to be there for a while. Do at least an hour per day, seven days per week at a very steady state (you should be able to carry on a conversation easily the entire workout).

Why it works to store fat: Your body will actually use fat as fuel during this workout (you should be in the "fat burning zone") which will create the perfect effect we want for the other 23 hours of the day - fat storing mode. Yes, your body will adapt to become efficient at storing fat.

This workout will do nothing to increase your metabolism either. You’ll burn off muscle, decreasing your lean muscle mass, and actually slow down your metabolism.

So get to the gym and start spending countless hours doing aerobics, burning off muscle, and turning your body into a fat storing machine! This is a perfect way to gain some body fat! . . . . 

Follow these guidelines to an all new, plumper you!

Wait just a darn minute…

Hold on. You say you want to lose body fat? Oh, okay, then make sure you aren’t making the mistake of following any of the above guidelines! You’d actually want to do the exact opposite of each of the above rules to see a leaner physique in the mirror.

For a leaner, sexier you:

1) Do interval training instead of steady state aerobics to increase your metabolism and get your body revving to burn fat all day long. So, instead of walking on a treadmill at the same pace for 30 minutes, you’d walk two minutes then run for a minute or two, then walk again. Alternate between high and low intensity. You can do the same on an exercise bike or whatever activity you choose. This works extremely well for fat loss!

Neecee O.
on 6/16/07 3:14 am - CA

Hi B!!! After pondering for a while, i guess what is missing from this is caloric intake. If the person doing LSD (long slow distance) is eating a significant amount of calories (as in slightly more than she needs), then yes, I can see why that person MIGHT be training her body to store fat.  If she is not, according to BMR theory, this fat storing thing cannot happen.  What intrigues me is that many people into endurance sports indeed tend to be on the bulky side. Sprinters tend to be more lean.  Most people know that interval training is where it's at when it comes to sparking fat burning. Again, I say, a person is heading for an overuse injury by concentrating on ONLY doing high levels of aerobic activity.  A person has to mix it up for overall best physical training.  Interesting article.

on 6/16/07 1:26 pm

Yeah, I thought it was interesting.  The other 4 points that I did not include didn't surprise me, but this first one really had/has me thinking, "hmmmmm,"


Earl C.
on 6/17/07 12:24 pm, edited 6/17/07 12:25 pm - Circleville, OH
Yeah I know her. I get a newletter from her hubby Allen. He's one of those "guru guys". You know...just my 2 cents... People that have WLS don't need to over think all this stuff. The interval training works. It's the basis for the Body for Life training.  But...people that have WLS are doing good just to get off the couch. Most serious trainers trying to gain muscle will sometimes skip the long slow cardio because it eats up muscle. But...if you're 100 or 200 pounds overwieght...don't worry about it. Just get moving. Earl
Christal C.
on 6/17/07 4:42 pm - Wichita, KS
Thanks for your post! Sometimes I think alot of us WLS folks get kinda up tight about all of this. All of the information and what we tell each other seems to be alot of how to be in a perfect world. Well we were FAR from perfect to begin with. So inperfect we needed surgery to guide us back into the world of somewhat normality. I did not have my surgery to be perfect and do the perfect exercises and the perfect nutritional guideline. I wanted to be better not perfect. If my exercise program could be improved by doing intense workouts that doesn't mean I will actually stick to doing that. I think that everyone has to figure out what works for their body and what they will actually do consistently. Maybe I am trying to be more positive than picking out any and every flaw there is. I think if we were all more leniant with each other and ourselves more would be supported and involve themselves with WLS support. I know personally I am starting to feel a bit alienated from the mainstream WLS groups due to an elitest attitude quite alot have. Just my thoughts...
on 6/18/07 1:16 am
Thank you to both of you.  I haven't had wls and I have about 65 pounds to lose, but I think your advice is still valid.  Don't overthink it and just get moving.  I'm not trying to be perfect either, just better than what I am now. 
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