Body For Life

Molly Mae
on 6/14/07 12:13 am - WA
Hey all you Fitness Heroes! Yes, that means you. If you are even on this forum showing an interest in your fitness and moving your body in someway, my hat is off to you. I have been continually lax in that area and am going on the offense to tone this body up and build some good habits. Can anyone here tell me about their experience with Body For Life or weight lifting in general as a postop? I am really excited to embark on some weight training and have the BFL book from my preop days.  Anyone done this? If not, I will be happy to be the first to report back to the forum and let everyone know how it goes. I am rearranging my weight area in my home and trying to figure out what to do for my 20 minuets of hard cardio. Running I suppose.  Anyway, please share your experiences! Molly 252/162/135
April R.
on 6/14/07 12:37 am - plymouth, MA
Hi Molly, I am finishing up my second round right now and I absolutely LOVE this work-out regime.. It's actually less and easier than what I was doing before and the results are fantastic.. I can email you before and after pictures from my first round if you would like.. I do the original BFL because the 20 minute workout solution fits my lifestyle and it's a mental no-brainer that keeps me motivated. I also really suggest getting the journal that takes you through the program day to day.. I used it both times and it really helps you keep focused and motivated looking at all the those before and after pictures and their motivation stories. I was stuck in the 160's for months back in October and these days I am weighing 144 and am super pleased with how my body looks and feels.. let me know if you need any info at all.. I'll be starting my next round in the middle of July because that is how much I love this program.. so perhaps we can exchange notes.. :) Good luck, April R
Molly Mae
on 6/14/07 12:54 am - WA
APRIL! Wow! Am I excited to hear from you. I AM stuck in the 160's and have been for months. I have never even seen below 144 except briefly in the 6th grade or something. I am about  size 12 or 14 now again and it's killing me! I have been having this dreaded feeling of being "unwell" as my eating and working out have really been negelcted. Anyway, looking to do something about all that and put it behind me. I would love, love love the opportunity to see your before and afters. Actually, I do have the journal...two of them, LOL! So, I only stuck with it til day 18 as a preop so will just jump into the day 19. It's so funny looking back at my efforts of sticking with it as a preop. I even took before pics. Very intersting! So, anyway, I am so happy to *meet* you! This will be fun, Molly
Kathy S.
on 6/14/07 9:10 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with
Hi Molly, I just realized you asked me about the Body for LIfe in the other thread and I didn't answer.  I have not read it but my son did and he really says it's great.  He said it was good for a starting point, he does his own thing now Be sure and let me know what you think of it ok?  I also subscribe to Oxygen Mag and they are the best when it comes to women that are into the body building.  Everyday ladies and professionals. Be sure and keep me posted on how it works for you :-) Take care, Kathy
Earl C.
on 6/14/07 11:59 am - Circleville, OH

Hi Molly, BFL is a good solid program and it works for most people. I like the books. Bill Phillips has been around for years. Earl

Neecee O.
on 6/15/07 11:32 pm - CA
By all means, go get the book from the library or check a used book store. I used to run off pages with pictures of certain routines I wanted to try and keep them in my file folder at the gym. Bill is very inspiring!
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