My First Sprint Triathlon.. completed

April R.
on 6/9/07 2:47 am - plymouth, MA
Just had to post this somewhere.. Today I completed in my first sprint triathlon and I am just feeling so super emotional.. hehe I guess all my training and hard work over the last couple of months paid off and now I just can't beleive that it's over.. surreal actually. So now what?.. Sign up for another one in September that's what.. hehe speaking of addicted.. It really is amazing how much this surgery has changed all of our lives.. never in my dreams would I have thought that I would be able to do what I did today.. 1/4 mi swim.. 10 mi bike.. 3.5 mi run.. and not only not come in last.. but not be carted off to the hospital in a stretcher.. hehe  Feeling it.. April R
Earl C.
on 6/10/07 12:42 pm - Circleville, OH
Congratulation April. I like that goal...not to come in last. Works for me. Earl
on 6/13/07 9:53 pm - Waldorf, MD
Congrats April! I just finished my first mini-tri - after only about a month of training - what a freaking rush huh?? Like you, I'm looking forward to my next race now. Good luck with your next sprint. - Kelly
Shell Marr
on 6/14/07 5:41 am
Lap Band on 06/21/07 with
Congrats April......
high351/pre307.5/day of surgery 294.4/dr goal 187/my goal 175  

on 6/20/07 7:51 am - MI
April, I am in the process of training for a mini triathlon. Its 300 yard swim, 6 mile bike, and 3 mile run. I am feeling great so far with my training. Would you share how you trained this triathlon? Did you follow someones training regimen? Did you have a coach? Anxiously awaiting your response. Curt
April R.
on 6/20/07 11:40 am - plymouth, MA
Hi Curt.. In general I actually did Body for Life to get myself ready. It's a strength training/cardio/eating/mindfulness program.. it calls for 20 minutes of cardio with 4 peaks of massively intense exercise 3x a week so it was very helpful in conditioning my body to go the distance. The company that put on my triathlon actually had good advice and I somewhat followed that to make sure I would know how the transitions would feel and such.. they are a trip.. especially the biking to the runing All the literature says to swim in your wetsuit in the ocean/lake before the race.. it's a much different feel than the pool and it's so much cooler gliding along in your bouyant wetsuit.. which I overly recommend for your first time.. I rented mine because I didn't know if I was gonna be sold on the whole thing from this place: In general I would get yourself acclimated to all the rules and such because it can be intense because there are so many regulations.. I had to become a member ogf USAT to be in my race and they are very informative: If anything.. I'm now totally sold on triathlons and I already can't wait to be in my next one in September. I've always been athletic.. but it's so nice to finally be able to take my body to the next level... it friggin' rocks hope this helps.. feel free to ask any questions in the future if you ahve them April R
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