spinning anyone

on 6/6/07 12:16 pm
Hi  I was wondering how intence spinning classes are in general.  I thought about trying one.  I belong to LA Fitness and with my work they are about the only classes that fit.. Is it easy to cycle at your own pase.  Thanks Tracy
Rob S.
on 6/12/07 5:16 am - DE
Spinning classes are intense as you want to make them.  You can set your own torque, and spin at your own pace.   Most instructors will tell you to sit through some of the steeper hills if your new, but to put yourself a little bit more each class.  Most common complaint I hear that the butt gets real sore after a 40-60 minute class.  Some people don't break a sweat during the class, and others like myself need to have a mop to clean up the floor after I'm done.  My standing heart rate is 52 when I start, but I get it up to 175 during most of the class. I started my first class 3 1/2 years ago and could barely make it through a class.  Got the bike in the very back of the room so I wouldn't be noticed.  Now I'm up front in my spandex leading the pack.  I substitute for the trainer a lot nowadays. Enjoy it.  If spinning doesn't work, try an elliptical.  But spinning are great for the music, the instructor, and the pack. Rob
on 6/13/07 11:00 am
Thank for the reply.  I"m going to give one a try tomorrow.  When I was a teen I lived on my bike and I miss it.  I will take at my own pase and who knows next year maybe I'll be the one up front in spandex.   Thanks Tracy
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