question about excercise...(still new to me haha)

on 6/6/07 11:13 am
Okay, I just started working out again about 2 weeks ago. I've usually just done cardio (elliptical, treadmill, etc) but i've been going with a friend and we have been alternating different weights each day. Soo, I haven't felt like I've been losing any weight since I've started working out. I know that muscle weighs more than fat..... but when will my "catch-up" and start seeing the scale move??? I'm pretty clueless in this area... so any help would be sooooooo great!!! thanks!!!
Neecee O.
on 6/6/07 11:09 pm - CA
patience, Vicki, patience!  Make sure you are good about your band rules, your food plan is the primary thing here when it comes to the scale moving in the right direction.  Exercise will supplement that, yes.  Most people, unless they are competitors or have the time to work out more than 2 hours a day don't burn *that* many calories to trigger sudden loss. You are maybe burning 300 ish calories a day with exercise and that only helps what you are doing by watching food intake. Over time, you will see results. Meanwhile, notice how your body will begin to change if you are dedicated to exercise:  toning, energy levels improve, etc. Think of exercise as a healthy choice that you do every day, just like brushing your teeth. Weight loss is only one good outcome, but there must be twenty more to make it worth your while.
Chris G.
on 6/7/07 3:42 am
Cardio is extremely important in weight loss.  Training with weights will supplement your weight loss by building up your base metabolism.  Cardio (aerobic) exercise burns fat while you are actually doing the exercise for energy; weight training will help you burn fat while you are not exercising by revving up your base metabolism.  If you have time, get in an extra 20 minutes of aerobic exercise doing this: -Warm-up for 3-5 minutes at a slow pace (about 30% of your top speed) -Run,jog,cycle, at about 95% of your best effort for about for 30 seconds -For 90 seconds, slow back down to your warm-up speed -Repeat 5-7 times. As a sidenote, training every day with weights doesn't give your muscles enough time to recuperate from the previous training sessions.  Give them at least 1 day in between sessions. Good luck!
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