Anyone here interested in walking one mile per day?
This is pretty neat, as far as exercise goals go:,goals/action,viewGoal /goal_id,677/
Hi OH friends: I would be up for a 1 mile walk-n-talk on Fridays. Anyone else in OC with me? We could do different locations or at a agreed upon location. It would be neat if we could do a walking challenge - where an OC group challenged another walking group to reach a specific goal. One good thing about walking is it's cheap. No gym membership required! Also, we won't need any specific training to get started. If anyone would be interested, please post back. Thanks! -Joanna
Hi! I am Joanna Fee, ObesityHelp's Events Manager and the Managing Editor of Bariatrics Today magazine. For the latest info on events, please visit OH's events page. Please feel free to e-mail me with questions, comments or concerns about the events or BT magazine. Thanks!
Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told: ''I'm with you kid. Let's go.'' - Maya Angelou
on 7/29/07 6:28 am - NJ