Hiring a personal trainer?

Born Swimmer
on 6/5/07 10:22 am - Sunny, FL
I was just wondering if hiring a personal trainer is worth it.  I've hit a wall with my exercise (recovering from a non-WLS illness) and I want to get back into the shape I was in a year ago.  I know I have to go slow... but I was wondering about getting a personal trainer, even for just a few sessions.   How much cost is reasonable? If you found that you could get really toned and fit without one, did you follow a book for guidance? I'd appreciate any feedback!

~AlyssaLips 2Band to Bypass (Band May 2005 --RNY July 2008)        

"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." ~Yoda

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(deactivated member)
on 6/5/07 10:40 am

Hi Alyssa!  I hired a trainer about 3 years ago.   I think I paid about $1000 for 12 sessions.  It was nice because he knew how to use every machine in the gym. He showed me how to work the same muscles using different machines on different days to switch things up and worked out a whol program for me which was nice.  Around session 9 he had a disagreement with the gym and left so they put me with another trainer for my last sessions which worked out good too because they had totally different styles.  The second guy was more into ball crunches and balance stuff so I got to learn more.  Another good thing is that they watch you really closely and stop you when your form is bad and make you correct it.  That was a big thing for me.  I wish I could afford one again.  It’s been so long I have forgotten a lot of stuff.

Born Swimmer
on 6/5/07 11:07 am - Sunny, FL
Hey Susan!  This guy I'm looking into is really experienced.  He has 25 years in the fitness industry, winning weight lifting titles.  He also has a nutritional background.  He has a weight lifting book that also has a nutritional component.  He offered me 6 sessions at $100 but then 2 free.  I'm thinking about it... but $600 is a lot!  My form is not a major concern for me, but I don't know how to do free weights and I want guidance there.  I really want to get back into the shape I was in a year ago and I think this PT will help me quickly.

~AlyssaLips 2Band to Bypass (Band May 2005 --RNY July 2008)        

"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." ~Yoda

(What is Interstitial Cystitis)

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(deactivated member)
on 6/5/07 11:21 am

He sounds good and 8 sessions for $600 sounds like a decent price.  The ones that I have known of  (my friend has had a couple of them too) all seem to follow the low glycemic type diet which is what I try to do most days.  Both of the guys that I had showed me some free weight stuff too, which is nice because it's easy to do at home.  Good luck!  I think you should go for it. 

on 6/5/07 12:14 pm
Hi, I've had 3 trainer sin the past 7 months.  My current one I am having good results with.  You wouldn't think we would work well together, but  I guess our temperments match ! For an very experienced trainer  approx $ 80 an hour is average  ( I've researched this  A LOT ). Fortunitly I had a deal from my gym.   You might want to have a few sessions before commiting to any length of training. Sometimes you get a trainer that  you just don't click with ( my second ) or one *****ally doens't know as much as they talk about ( my first).  I didn't drop either of them though, they dropped me for scheduling reasons.  I think a trainer even for a short while, is good, because  they keep introducing new things and ways to move and lose  I'm switching gyms soon, I hope I can still afford my trainer, I don't know what his prvate fees are. Who knew I'm become a GYM junkie  , lol! Good Luck
Born Swimmer
on 6/5/07 1:44 pm - Sunny, FL
Oh boy!  I have certainly become a gym rat!  I never knew I'd like running and lifting weights!  I think this guy is good.  He is offering me 2 sessions up front, and if I like him, I'll sign up for 6 sessions.  I see him again on Friday and we'll see how this session goes.  I told him I like an intense work out, so if he can push me enough and give me results, I'll really consider him for a few sessions... then when I hit a wall, hire him for a few more down the road. Thanks for the advice!

~AlyssaLips 2Band to Bypass (Band May 2005 --RNY July 2008)        

"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." ~Yoda

(What is Interstitial Cystitis)

Evolution of Dance :)

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Kelli ~.
on 6/14/07 11:16 am - Atwater, CA
Yikes, you guys pay alot of $$$ for trainers. Where I live the trainer I have who is excellent at all the machines and free weights only set me back $480 for 12 sessions. I've learned alot from him and I only have 1 more session :(  I was thinking when I have some more money to pay for another 12 sessions at a later time, after I have taken his schedule and worked the program for awhile, see what happens then turn it up another notch..."BAM" just like Emeril.  Kelli


Born Swimmer
on 6/14/07 11:42 am - Sunny, FL
I live in a major city and to get a good trainer (certified and knows how to push clients), you have to pay a lot.  But, from what I hear that it isn't robbery.  I will use him for 6 sessions and then he'll give me 2 free "update" sessions when I need it down the road.  So, I figured that is all I needed.  I never used free weights and he is teaching me all about those... and boy am I sore!!!  Good sore!

~AlyssaLips 2Band to Bypass (Band May 2005 --RNY July 2008)        

"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." ~Yoda

(What is Interstitial Cystitis)

Evolution of Dance :)

Meet my pouch... The Gremlin:
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