Confused again

Carla W.
on 6/4/07 8:06 am - CA
RNY on 05/08/06 with
Well I spoke with my trainner again today and she refuses to up my training to an hour until i prove I am eating more. What is up with that. She said that my body is in starvation mode and thats why I keep gaining the couple pounds over the weekend when i dont work out.. my body is storing it even though I dont change my eating plans on the weekends. She also said I shouldnt gain weight just from 2 days of not working out each week and that only proves her point.

Is this true...She went on to say that right now I am burning my muscle instead of fat and that its not healthy for me. She wouldnt train me today because she said I had done enough and not to do so much on wednesday if I wanted to train. I did a one hour step and one hour pilates and she says I shouldnt do more than an hour to hour and a half at a time. Am I hurting my body. Do I need to weigh more to have more muscle on me.

I am in my bmi and body fat range last time I checked and I dont think anything has changed. I have increased my calories and have even made myself sick a few times trying to get more in each day. I dont know what else to do. I wear a 2/3 right now although i refuse to buy new clothes right now.. i am wearing my big 5/4's right now.

What do you all think. Even Jo said to me that she is worried I am to skinny and gonna die. I dont see it because i still see the fat person on the outside.. I know I dont have a lot of fat and I can see my ribs, hips and shoulders.

What should I do.. up my calories, keep going like i am.. i just dont know.. I am getting in about 1200 a day now.. gee.. being overweight and loosing was much easier than this being there.. maybe.. maybe not thing.. at least when I was trying to loose I knew what to do..

Earl C.
on 6/4/07 12:01 pm - Circleville, OH

Hey Carla, I totally, completely...can't relate.   Most women going into WLS get the mindset they want to be skinny. I never had that. I just wanted to get healthy. I think skinny is just as unhealthy as being fat.  There's a lot of unhealthy skinny fat people out there. But I've been told by Doctor Gantz and a few others it takes about 2 years for your mind to catch up to your body. So you'll probably see a fat person looking back in the mirror for awhile no matter how thin you get.  Taking pictures sometimes helps. I look different in pictures than I do when I look in a mirror. Everyone tells me the pictures are accurate. (bummer) Have someone take some pictures so you can see yourself, that helps sometimes. I think getting a Bod Pod testing done once a month or 3 months would show if you're losing muscle or not. BMI means nothing to me. It's not a very good gauge of body fat percentage but the insurance companies like it. I always did think you're a little low on the calories for the amount of exercise you're doing. I don't think people are trying to jam a wrench in your exercise program. Especially the trainer. They make money when you workout, so she must be trying to tell you something. I think if you keep the calories clean, like lean protein and good carbs like oatmeal and some fruit you'll be surprised. Good luck Earl

Neecee O.
on 6/4/07 4:46 pm - CA
Hi Carla remember I am a non-op, but to me, you are at goal, why sweat it? You are not gaining, not losing from the sounds of it. You do not look too skinny to me (judging by the camping pics you have on your profile).  Two pounds up and down each week?  You must be kidding my leg...big deal if it comes off each week when you get into your regular routine. Over a weekend - up two pounds? Sounds like water weight classic stuff. There could be a different issue here:  Maybe you are now "addicted" to exercise. I have been a littel too into it myself at times inmy life, and i can't really say exactly you are or are not. Your trainer is far more qualified than anyone here to say so.  Maybe you do not need to eat more.  You need to listen to your trainer and exercise less hard. Yes, go daily, but don't kill yourself or try other things like yoga, pilates, more overall conditioning things.  Just curious, why not buy the clothes that fit you right now? You may grow into the fact a little better that you are a petite person now!  I think you look amazing.  If you feel good, just let yourself accept that you are at it is all about maintenance!
Carla W.
on 6/5/07 7:09 am - CA
RNY on 05/08/06 with
the fives arent to baggy and they are comfortable. You realize how many times I have had to replace my wardrobe.. it is crazy I am buying new stuff slowly but in no hurry to jump in and get new clothes tommorrow.. If they were way bigger they would already be gone... but one size is not to bad

on 6/5/07 2:53 am - Los Angeles, CA

How do you feel after you work out for 2 hours?  Do you feel week and lightheaded, or do you feel energized and alive?  What does your trainer see when she looks at you - a fit, healthy person, or someone who is sickly? 1200 seems a little low to me for an active person.  I run marathons and I usually have 1800 calories a day on average, more the day before a long training run.  Yesterday I ate about 1500 calories and ran 8 miles after work.  But my calories go as high as 2200 on some days.  And I don't run every day.  So my average is 1800 per day with running 28 miles per week and weight training 2 hours per week.  At this level, I feel properly fueled and energized.  How do you feel day to day?

21% body fat is not too skinny.  People sometimes get worried if they see someone lose a lot of weight and appear much thinner than what they're used to seeing, so I wouldn't worry too much about that.  Your stats are fine. Since you're paying money for a trainer, do you have a fitness goal in mind?  Sometimes having an event you're training for places the focus on proper fueling and training rather than how fat you feel on any given day.  Body issues can be a real drain. Debra 

Lapband 5/21/04; Eroded Band Removed 11/18/06; VSG 1/06/07

Carla W.
on 6/5/07 7:23 am - CA
RNY on 05/08/06 with
thats the thing.. I dont feel bad after I work out.. when I get down to 1000 calories a day i will get a little dizzy so i try and stay above that.. which in truth happens more than i like.. i just dont get hungry and forget to eat.. well.. than I have a problem.. i think I am ok.. I think she is worried I will pass out or something.. she is worried about my wls thing.. and always wants to know what I ate for the day before I work out with her.

I pay her for an hour.. sometimes I think she says that so she can get out of the last 30 minutes or the session.. I dont know..

I got good definition everywhere.. tight abs.. and yes I do work out a lot.. I consider step areobic but pilates I do to work on strenghtening my back muscles.. not many calories are burned from that.. thats why I thought that would be ok.. than I do my usual strenght training 3 days a week.. I do ellipitical on those days as well.. I dont know if it is to much.. I didnt do elliptical cause I did both pilates and step class.. was actually less calories than usual if you figure it out.

I do agree with you all. its time again to raise the calories.. i did it but I think I have back slide back down.. that isnt good.. i am not loosing at this time althiough I should be with what I input and burn so i figure i need more fuel to get my body happy so it will loose...

My goal is to get to 125 in weight and have a bocy fat percentage of 20... below that is not good for you.. so i got a little more I can do.. I figure when i finally have a bounce back from the surgery I will be able to maintain my weight between 125 and 135... I dont want to go higher than that as i like the way i feel right now.. although I have never weighted 125 so i will have to see how that feels as well...

on 6/5/07 9:33 am - Los Angeles, CA

You must be about 5'6" with that BMI.  A weight range of 125 to 135 is not unreasonable.  As long as you're feeling good.  You'll know if you're properly fueling if you feel energized after a workout rather than lightheaded and weak.  I may feel really tired after a marathon, but  I still feel good.

Keep trying to get the fuel in.  Muscles are happier when they have something to grow with. Debra  

Lapband 5/21/04; Eroded Band Removed 11/18/06; VSG 1/06/07

on 6/5/07 12:25 pm
HI  I have a trainer now and 3 years ago also had a trainer. One thing is true, to make muscle, you have to have calories. You just can't sculpt them out of fat ( darn it!!! ) One of the things that has helped me is that I have food about 75 min before I work out and right after.  A good amount of protein before and  a little protein and some good carbs after. If you work work  hard  your body needs something fast, even if it is at small amounts.  I've also started breaking up my meals to smaller meals , more like after  I was on solids after my RNY.  It has speeded up my metobolism  and I can east a little more without gaining. I also use teh home version of fitday. I didn't think I would have time but it helps me see where my colories are comming from and going to.  Plus if the Dr or trainer wants to know what I've been eating... got it documented.  Of course I'm a chart and graph groupie too. I would feel cheater If I were paying for an hour and only getting half.  That ends up being a lot of money. I think either you should be getting rebate or something.  But then, so far, no one is paying me for my opinions! Just some thoughts   Good Luck
Carla W.
on 6/6/07 10:44 am - CA
RNY on 05/08/06 with
that is to funny. How does the home version differ from the free online verzion of fit day. I cant figure out how to use that one so I use sparkpeople. just seems easier for me to figure out. i would like something that is more interactive with all areas as apposed to just inputing things in and having to calculate it out myself to get the final results.

I am trying to up my calories as we speak and she owes me time for the training we didnt do.. trust me.. they are expensive so I always get my time and than some..

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