what to buy for exercising?

on 6/2/07 7:11 am - Gloversville, NY
Hi, I haven't been approved for surgery yet, but I am waiting on insurance approval.  It will hopefully happen very soon.  My surgeon said that she wants me to lose 15lbs before i would have surgery.  I'm doing well as far as eating right, but exercise and physical activity is where I lack.  I am too embarrassed to join a gym and really can't afford it.  I don't want to be outside because it's so hot and there's not really many places to go around here with sidewalks.  I worked an excessive amount of overtime this past week so I could buy some type of exercise equipment for my home.  I was thinking of a treadmill but they seem so pricey for what you get, and many have very low weight limits - especially the cheap ones.  What's best? A stationary bike? Something that moves the arms too  like a fan bike or an elliptical? I want to buy something that will be the best overall for my weight loss journey.  I am looking for suggestions on where I should start and what i should buy?
Kelli ~.
on 6/2/07 8:02 am - Atwater, CA
Have you thought to see if your local Mall has a walker's club, mine does and there's alot of people that join it. They take advantage of the AC in summer and Heat in winter. Also, you can do basic exercises at home, you may want to try getting one of those exercise balls...I seen at Walmart they run fairly cheap, lowest around $8. Also, you may want to get like some weights to do some easy weight lifting. Jump rope is cheap and is very good cardio to get that heart beating faster. Good Luck! Kelli


on 6/3/07 6:32 am - Roanoke, VA
I joined my local YMCA after I lost some of my weight after surgery (when I was no longer embarrassed) and I felt stupid for not joining before I did because there are a lot of obese people there and no one was judging me or caring about how I looked for that matter! The prices are fairly reasonable and they even have monetary help for those who may not be able to afford it. You should at least take a look around your local Y.  They also have water aerobics which is easy on the joints. But if you're still not interested in that......I had a "Walk Away the Pounds" video that was pretty good to exercise with after I first had surgery before I worked up to more challenging stuff. It doesn't require any equipment and it was a good starter tape and had 3 levels you could pick from.
Earl C.
on 6/3/07 7:42 am - Circleville, OH

Hi April. Personally, I think it would be even better and cheaper to just bite the bullet and go outside and walk around the block or yard. I used to drive to the park just so I could walk their walking paths when they were tearing up the sidewalks in our neighborhood. Walking is and always will be the number one exercise and activity for pre and post ops. If you have one close by and can afford it, join the gym or Y. Don't be embarrassed. You might even enjoy it. Earl

on 6/3/07 9:07 am - Gloversville, NY
Thanks so much for your replies :)  the nearest YMCA is 15 miles away - I'm not sure I would go if I joined.  there is a gym close by - I'm just so embarrassed or something - I don't want people looking at me.... I guess i have some self-confidence issues, I was made fun of all through school and I still haven't let it go. Not sure I ever will.. Since walking is best, I think a treadmill is what I'll buy.  Also I want something that I don't have a excuse not to use. It's easy to say "im too busy to go here, or there, or I have to be home for this or that or it's raining or whatever" this way it's at home, it's staring at me everyday and I have no excuse not to use it. :)
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