Ideas for Bleacher Exercises

on 5/28/07 12:03 pm - Modesto, CA

A friend and I have been going to our local Junior College Track.  We've been running the bleachers and doing laps (run/walk). I'm looking for some ideas of exercises to do on the bleachers that would incorporate our arms and abs.  Obviously running the stairs works our legs... just looking for some ideas for other parts of our bodies. Thanks for any suggestions! Mary 323/196/160

Begin weight 323/ Current 194
Extended Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift 4/21/08
"Everyone knows how you seem, only some know how you are"
Chris G.
on 5/29/07 4:57 am
Here are some exercises that you can do on the bleachers: -Inverted toe touches: Before you advance to the next step, perform one of these and use the leg that you put behind you to step up to the next step.  (1). Place both feet together and raise your left arm to the sky (straight), (2). Bend forward at the waist and raise your left leg straight out, contracting your abs the entire time. (3). Alternate arms and legs each step.  Do 2 sets of 20. (Hint: it's safer if you keep going up the stairs) -Step Dips: Sit in the middle of the steps with your legs in front and bent 2 steps below you.  (1). Sit on the edge of a step with your hands on the edge, arms behind and straight, (2). Lower your body until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. (3). Pause then push yourself back up until you arms are straight. -Step Twist Squats: Going either up or down stairs, place both hands behind your head and perform a squat with both feet on the step.  While in the squat, twist to both sides and raise up and go to the next step.  Perform 2 sets of 15.  Those exercises are some that I've modified from other exercises that you can do on the track.  Hope it helped!
on 5/29/07 8:17 am - Modesto, CA
Thanks Chris-  I appreciate the response!  I'm looking for ideas so I don't get bored!!  These will help!
Begin weight 323/ Current 194
Extended Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift 4/21/08
"Everyone knows how you seem, only some know how you are"
(deactivated member)
on 5/29/07 9:22 am
You could do push-up variations. I cant figure out how to post pics on here but I found a web page with pics here's the link . I hope this helps!!!!
Earl C.
on 5/30/07 10:46 am - Circleville, OH
Hi Mary, I saw a show on the fitness channel where the some NFL guys where doing bleachers. They had them climbing 2 or 3 stairs at a time like a rock climbing or hill climbing. Just lean foward and place your hands on the whatever step is about head high and take a wide, long step up like you have to climb a hill. I've also seen just general plyometric stuff (jumping). Just up or down 1 or 2 steps at a time. It's a little hard on my joints and feet. But if you get bored, it's something to try. Good luck. Earl
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