10K and 90lbs gone!

Cassie W.
on 5/24/07 11:05 am
I ran my 1st 10K development run Wednesday evening, finishing in 1:20.  It was definitely the most challenging course I've ever run with its back to back hills.  Up, UP, UPPPP..... Beyond the pure exhilaration of running, my reward this morning was reaching the 90-pound loss milestone. Since I've been playing with the same 3 pounds, I'm sure it was probably due to a little dehydration, but I'll take it. I'm running three days a week now in preparation for the Utica Boilermaker, a 15K in July.  Then, I'll put my training plan together for the next milestone - the Disney half marathon in January.    Every time I run, I'm amazed how far I've come since starting my training two months ago. Cassie
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Sherri B.
on 5/26/07 4:19 am - Great Bend, KS
How did you begin your running?  I would love to start but I am afraid I am still too heavy.  I am at 222 now.  What would you suggest?  I walk now but want to run.


Cassie W.
on 5/28/07 11:41 am
Sherri, I didn't start running until I was 6 months out from surgery and about 27 pounds from my goal.  I was nervous to start any earlier because of the pounding on the joints.  I was fortunate to find a beginners' running group, which has really helped to keep me motivated.  When we started, we ran 1 minute out of 30 and walked the other 29.  Each time we ran, we increased the ratio of running to walking until we could run a continuous 30 minutes. It's great because there are experienced runners in the group who give us a lot of tips and encouragement.  I think the two most important tips are to make sure you get fitted for a good pair of running shoes and to start slow.  I'm enjoying the social aspects of running.  I've met many wonderful people that I run with three times a week.  At each event, I enjoy talking to new folks to hear their stories about how they became runners. Keep walking and when you're ready to pick up the pace to run, you'll already have a great foundation. Cassie
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 5/27/07 8:23 am
i am so proud of you thats so great!!!! i totally want to do the disney half in january too. we should get a group together and get shirts and stuff and all run together! connie
Cassie W.
on 5/28/07 11:49 am

Thanks Connie!  Have you registered for the Disney half, yet?  Registration is already at 95% capacity.  I didn't want to register until after I did the 15K, but I was afraid it would be full, so I just went for it.  It'll be something running down Main Street of the Magic Kingdom. Let me know if you decide to run.  I've talked one of my running partners into going with me.  She'll finish at a much faster pace, but it'll be nice to have people to hang out with at the start and celebrate and the finish. Cassie

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 5/28/07 3:06 pm
nope have not signed up yet just have thought of it... i'll check soon and let you know!
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