Resistance Bands and Walking

Judy P.
on 5/17/07 11:22 pm - Evansville, IN
For Mother's Day I asked for Resistance bands....   when I work out my 5 year old wants to join me and I has having panic attacks with him trying to lift weights.  So I figured the bands wouldn't hurt him or do any damage to his developing muscles like the weights might.  Plus I thought...   you can do this, this will be easier then weights. ROFLOL.. ..  boy was I wrong!!  I can't even get them pulled above my head.   I knew I needed to do some serious work to get my muscles strengthened, but I never realized how much.  So now I'm working with the bands every day...  doing different muscle groups every other day.  I'm also doing light-weights to strengthened my shoulders and upper back muscles so I can get these stupid bands over my head   I don't mind walking everyday...  but it gets so boring going on the same path every day, or staying in my neighborhood seeing the same sights all the time.  I think I'm going to set up a reward program for myself...  maybe something like...   walk 30 miles in my neighborhood then go someplace special like a hike in the woods with  my son.   It would give him something to look forward to also.  I want him to learn to enjoy working out and exercising so his childhood will be a lot different from my sedentary one. Do you have any special rewards you give yourself or different ways to break the monotony?
Neecee O.
on 5/17/07 11:31 pm - CA
I hear ya on the boredom hood has limited varied routes, too. Luckily, my town has some very awesome trails to walk on, so once in a while, I take my gear to work and go to one of those walking areas to do my thing. It's an extra step, so there's that to drag all the stuff with you (like last night I had no socks that was rugged), but it did my heart good to see new stuff. I am also addicted to my i-pod...the price is coming down on them, I highly advise you to save up for one.  The little ones are under $100, and you can trade out songs as needed (think they only hold 100 songs).  Mine holds about 1000, so i love that. Even a radio will help! Those darn bands are a workout and a half!  I used to use them for my spring training for softball to get my arms up to snuff. I should get me sum!!!! Leslie Sansone talks about those too. i got her book from the library.  I try to change around my routine now that I am completely hooked.  I'll do it after work, before work, or do something else, like bike ride.  I love what you said to be an example for your son. Moms are a big impact on their health choices, from the foods you cook to what you do.  Good for you!
on 5/21/07 7:56 pm

Oh how cute that your little one wants to exercise with you!  Maybe they have fake dumbbells at the toy store?  I think it's a great idea to take your son for a hike and great exercise too.  Maybe hikes in the woods can be your exercise if you would enjoy it more and a nice Mom/ son adventure.   God bless your efforts and your family! Elizabeth  :









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