how many times a week do you hit the gym

on 5/13/07 12:34 pm

Hi- I had wls alittle over 3 months ago and have lost 65lb. so far which is great.  I have had a gym membership from about 2 weeks post op but have not used it consistently(sp?).  This week I have started to workout more. I have been to the gym 6 days this week and just wondering if I should take a day off or is it ok to workoout everyday.  thanks  Tracy

Earl C.
on 5/13/07 1:09 pm - Circleville, OH
Hi Tracy, Depends on what you're doing and what kind of intensity. Sometimes it's ok for beginners to workout every day, because it's just impossible for a beginner to activate all their muscle fibers or to generate the intensity someone that's had more training experience can. If you're gung ho and feel comfortable working out 6 days a week...go for it. If you're feeling run down or beat up...add some rest days into the mix or alternate cardio and resistance training days. Good luck. You're doing great so far. Earl
Neecee O.
on 5/13/07 10:47 pm - CA

Yup, what Earl said. Depends on what you are doing and how long. Lots of cardio, won't hurt to do daily. some weight, some cardio, also okay. If you are mixing it up with classes, weights and treadmill, even better. When you get into more intense workouts, you will want to either do an easy day, then intense, and so on.  Your body will tell you. If you feel whupped, you may be over training.  if full of energy, nuttin wrong with that.  The worst possible thing about going daily, you may get bored. I'd be outside while the weather is cooperating as much as is possible.

on 5/16/07 11:49 am

Thanks for the replys.  Sorry it took so long to say thank you. There is something in my settings on my laptop that most times will not let me log on to OH. tracy

Kelli ~.
on 5/28/07 11:44 am - Atwater, CA
5x's a week but this week is going to be bad since Memorial Day my gym is closed, tuesday I have to do blood tests and meet with a friend of mine for dinner, then thursday meet with thesis chairperson and graduation. But, I'll pick up speed the following week when I do my MWF workout with trainer, and go to Monterey to do some bicycling around the area. :)  My trainer tells me you need at least 2 days to relax the muscles and allow them to recover but you can do light workout. The days I don't make the gym, I ride my stationary bike for 30mins. Now that I have my real bike fixed, I'll be riding in the evenings when it's cooler.  Best of luck! Kelli


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