Personal Trainers???

on 5/11/07 9:32 pm - AL
First off, I want to become one at $65 an hour!!! Had a freebie with one yesterday....he was great....and ABUSIVE! Do any of you use one even if your last name isnt Trump? I would LOVE to, but just dont think I can justify it. Maybe once a month to make sure I am staying on track....
on 5/12/07 4:01 am
My trainer works out of my chiropractor's office.   The focus of the office is wellness.     My trainer is wonderful, knowledgable, inspiring and supportive.  I don't think I could do as well with abusive.  I think it is an investment well worth its cost.  It is a lot less than what I used to spend on fast food or eating out or clothes that I quickly outgrew. Working with my trainer is probably the all time best expense with the highest rate of return I could ever invest in.  And as a real life investor,  I look at that way:  as an investment in myself and my good health.  I needed to be taken by the hand and sensibly instructed on ways to improve.  In the past I have done not enough or way too much and hurt myself. I am very pro trainer if you find the one that suits your personality.  Trainers are like shoes.  It takes an effort to find just the right fit and then you don't ever want to give them up. I am stronger and healthier than I would be if I were doing it on my own.  I might not feel like I need a trainer in another year but I need my trainer now to maximize the effort I have committed through surgery and my new lifestyle.  I don't want to go halfway and get halfway results. But with that said, I realize that some people don't need trainers.   There are people that can motivate themselves and know enough to be trainers.  Then there are the rest of us.  LOL Good luck. Katy B
Neecee O.
on 5/12/07 7:04 am - CA

As with anything, there are good ones, great ones and ones you coulda done without. If you have pretty good habits - as in showing up regularly, but just don't feel the love of exercise, perhaps a trainer can turn that around.

If you're thinking that a trainer will get your butt outa bed for you, think again. LOL

However, s/he may help you fall in love with fitness by showing you some great moves. I'd try one, money is not an issue for me if it is well spent. I could not think of hiring one for $65 an hour for five hours a week, okay, maybe one week's worth.  But s/he better be good enough to not make me regret it.


Earl C.
on 5/13/07 8:27 am, edited 5/15/07 7:05 am - Circleville, OH
I think most personal trainers are kind of a joke. You really don't have to know how to train to be one.  And a lot of people choose their trainer based on how the PT looks. Looking good and knowing how to train people are 2 different things. Weight training is not rocket science. And there are enough websites and free instructional videos on Youtube and cable TV to become an expert yourself in a very short time. In other words...yes, I'd like to make a living handing dumbbells to people all, I don't think a personal trainer is needed to get results. Earl
Chris G.
on 5/15/07 1:51 am
I agree with Earl, A LOT of trainers don't know anything about physiology and a lot can be "certified" through a community college or whatever without having ever been taught about actual science and academic research.  They are the ones that can give PTs a bad name.  I think that the main focus that someone who thinks about getting a PT is about their education and what kind of training they have. I think that some people, myself included, would benefit from someone who is on their butt and expects a lot.  Some people do not react well to that type of personality.  I think it's a matter of choice and I would ask the gym where you went if there is someone else that could maybe match your personality a little better.  If not, then the once a month cost would be worth it to make sure your exercises are developing correctly. Sometimes it does help in the beginning to have a trainer that can help you get the right form for the exercises so that in the future you can do it yourself.  Then have a once monthly meeting so you can get new exercises or whatever.  They can be helpful, but you do have to justify the cost for yourself.  Remember, there are tons of DVDs that you can order or buy that can help you do the exercises at home.  The main thing is to exercise, no matter what you are doing. 
on 5/22/07 12:37 pm - TN
Ooh, I had to respond to this. ;)  I've been working with a personal trainer for about a year now.  Yes, 3x/week, at about $40/session.  But if I could spend $11,000 on surgery, I can find a way to afford this. Now, maybe I just have an exceptional trainer, but I think that telling people that they're a joke is WRONG.  I used to weight train quite a bit when I was younger.  I would occasionally have a training session with someone at the gym, I read books, etc.  It is NOT always easy to learn form from a DVD or YouTube video.  If you're doubtful of the qualifications of a PT, how in the world would you know if the person on the YouTube video was showing you the correct way to do something?  I think that's a great way to get yourself hurt. :( And I can say this...when I compare what I used to do in weight training in my 20s...and I worked out pretty consistently for years at a time, and I *thought* I was doing what I should...when I compare THOSE results to the changes in my body now (at 42)...well, there's simply NOT a comparison.  I achieved more definition, better results, etc., in the first 3 MONTHS working with the PT than I did in over a year working out on my own. Then, add in that the trainer pushes me harder than I'd ever push myself (but she is NOT abusive), it's one on one training, she keeps me motivated, etc., and I consider it money well spent. So not all PTs are jokes. Cindy
(deactivated member)
on 5/28/07 8:32 pm
I agree not all PT's are a joke, but if you had kept "up to speed" and gotten the same knowlegde as the PT I don't think you would need them.
(deactivated member)
on 5/27/07 1:29 pm
Personally I think most personal trainers are a waste of time. To become one is fairly easy, you can do it online! There's a book out called "the book of muscle" if you read that you'll be more knowlgeable than most personal trainers and it'll be cheaper than ONE session with a personal trainer. You may also want to try and . T nation has a section made just for women. Give it a shot!!!!!!!!!
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