Need Motivation to get back on the wagon!!!!

Adrienne S.
on 5/4/07 10:27 pm - Oshawa, Canada
Hi everyone,   I had a RNY in July of 2006 and I have lost about 120 pounds to date.  I have notice lately that I have no motivation to exercise and I have started to make any excuse I can to get out of going to the gym.  I used to love the gym in the beginning and I would go any chance I could get, but now that I am 30 pounds from goal and the weight seems to be coming off very slowly I am not as motivated.  When I would see the drastic weight loss in the beginning it pushed me to work out harder to see bigger numbers, but now that I don't see as big a change when I workout, (sometimes I even see weight gain which scares me) I am definitely bummed about having to go to the gym everyday when I would rather be at home spending time with my son and husband.  Could someone please offer me some advice or share any similar experiences, I could use it.  I am terrified that I am falling back into my sedintary lifestyle and I am terrified to gain back the weight I have worked so hard to lose.                                Thanks

Neecee O.
on 5/5/07 1:13 am - CA
I would say, don't put so much importance on exercise for the losing weight part! of course, it does help weight loss, but your intake is the KEY.  Getting close to goal, you need all the tools you can get - don't drop them NOW for God's sake! Exercise needs to be done daily for a variety of other reasons:   1.  It's your best beauty tip you'll ever do - above tooth brushing and hair-do! Your eyes will shine, your skin will snap, hair grows better, your blood flows. 2.  Your brain works better - blood flow! 3.  You are conditioning your whole body to love better (blush), sleep better, clean house better, chase kids better, garden, hike, ride bikes, etc. 4.  your immune system works better - less time off sick 5.  You will have more energy - anyone who has ever exercised knows this.  Your body loves you when you challenge it on a cellular level.  6.  when a mother regularly exercises with joy (not disgusted chore-like attitude), her whole family is inspired to do better health-wise. Not that dads don't make an impact, but mothers typically spend more kid time each day - what a positive impact.
on 5/6/07 8:22 am - Collegeville, PA
Welcome to the world of weight maintenance... and expect this to get worse as you get even closer to goal....  To get to goal and maintain the weight loss, you need to stop thinking of exercise as a means to lose weight, but rather incorporate it into your lifestyle....  You don't have to go to the gym to be active.... Get involved in a sport that you enjoy, train for a marathon, go out and do some gardening, get some handweights and work out at home while your sitting on the couch watching a movie.... But move.... And remember that it's not an option but a necessity! :) Caroline -225 lbs @ goal and maintaining Certified Personal Trainer

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