cardio excersizes?????

Anita Jo
on 5/1/07 12:09 pm - Elmira, NY
will someone help me know what is cardio exercises? maybe a list with pics? mainly what i can do at home. i do have a 3 pound weight if that needs to be with cardio . thanks so much. anita

Neecee O.
on 5/1/07 12:13 pm - CA
Jennifer K.
on 5/2/07 3:13 am - Phoenix , AZ
Cardio is anything where you get your heart rate up... you do not want to use weights with cardio... weights should be used for weight training/strength training. Examples of cardio.. walking, swimming, cleaning, jogging, belly dancing, aerobics, treadmill, elliptical...

First visit to surgeon - 288 ~ bmi 45.1
2 week pre-op 252 ~ bmi 39.5
Total lost - 153 Since surgery - 117!
Goal weight - 155 (mine) 180 (surgeons)
Current weight - 135 (2020 I lost 10lbs due to dedicating myself to working out more and being in better shape)

Extended TT, lipo, fat injections - 11/2011

BA/BL/Arm Lift - 7/2014

Scar revision on arms - 3/2015

HALO laser on arms/neck 9/2016

Thigh lift 10/2020

Anita Jo
on 5/2/07 4:00 am - Elmira, NY
oh cool.. thanks. well i love to walk outside and do my treadmill... i love the elliptical at the gym. how about jumping jacks? havent done them since high school...

Shell Marr
on 5/2/07 4:03 am
Lap Band on 06/21/07 with
Yes, jumping jacks are great... so is jump roping
high351/pre307.5/day of surgery 294.4/dr goal 187/my goal 175  

Anita Jo
on 5/2/07 4:10 am - Elmira, NY
hmmmm i might have to start jumping jacks . i used to like to jump rope...  i asked my trainer at the wellness center gym in the hospital about the skin or fat near my ribs and he told me cardio.. so thats why i asked this question. i told him i have been doing 60 crunches a day and he said cardio for that area...

on 5/4/07 5:04 am - Round Rock, TX can't 'spot train'.  You can tone muscle but 500 crunches a day wouldn't do more than tone your ab muscles, it wont get rid of the fat above them.  Cardio burns fat.... Be careful of jumping jacks, I tried to do one of those and threw my back out, lol!


on 5/6/07 1:08 pm - Collegeville, PA
You are right in that you can't spot train, but you are wrong in that cardio doesn't burn fat. If anything it burns muscle, and muscle is something you want to keep as you are losing weight as otherwise your metabolism will be compromised. The ideal workout includes a brief warmup, then weight training, then cardio.  But the focus should be on weight training as this is what will allow you to keep muscle as you are losing weight.  The great majority of your weight loss is going to come from a caloric deficit due to diet (not being able to get enough calories in from your WLS) - NOT exercise....  But you need to preserve muscle as you lose as otherwise you are setting yourself up for weight regain. Hope this helps, Caroline -225 lbs @ goal and maintaining Certified Personal Trainer

Chris G.
on 5/7/07 1:38 am, edited 5/7/07 1:53 am
Cardiovascular exercise is any exercise that is repetitive, uses oxygen, and uses a large amount of muscles.  For example, jogging or walking are 2 examples of aerobic exercises.  However, running at top speed for a short amount of time is anaerobic which serves to improve your cardiovascular system's (heart, lungs, etc.) ability to deliver oxygen to your working muscles. I respectfully disagree with Caroline on the point of aerobic exercise and it not burning fat.  Aerobic training does burn fat from within active muscle during mild to moderate intensity exercise.  Also, fat contributes about 50-70% of the energy requirement during light and moderate aerobic exercise.  Your body's ability to burn fat is dependent on burning carbohydrates at the same time.  Fats require intermediate compounds that are generated in carb breakdown so that they can be continually burned.  But, if you do not provide enough carbohydrate in your diet, your body's ability to burn fat is diminished greatly.  Protein does represent an energy source, although it does not provide as much energy as fat.  Further, if protein becomes an energy source (during starvation or low-carb diets), it does reduce your body's muscle; reductions in muscle mean a lower metabolism which also means that it's easier to gain the weight back. Having said all of that, I do recommend performing cardio exercise most, if not all, days of the week.  There are also tons of exercises that you can do (like push-ups, crunches, etc.) to gain strength and tone muscle.  I am a believer in body-weight exercises because they can be harder than using weights.  If you have any questions, feel free to message me and I will give you a list of exercises you can do at home.  An hour daily is ideal for aerobic exercise.  You don't have to over-do it, just light or moderate intensity is all you need.  I hope I helped!
on 1/28/10 3:49 am, edited 2/6/10 11:42 pm
I'm doing some home cardio. The exercise I like most is the medicine-ball workout.
It's not hard, check this vid out if you wanna learn more about it:
You should also check out my blog about cardio, you can find a lot of cardio exercises there.

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