Need some advice

on 4/28/07 8:27 am
Hi!  This is my first time to post on this forum, although I am a lurker here. I have been working with a trainer 3 times a week for one hour doing an all over weight workout using hand weights.  After 3 weeks, I have added a Curves workout right after my workout with my trainer.  My trainer cautioned me to not work out with any resistance or weights on the day after my training.  I am supposed to only do cardio or walk on those days.  I have been wanting to get back to Curves, so I go on the weight workout day. Anyway, I have all these bruised that are showing up all over me.  A few are quarter size but most are dime size.  There are dozens of them.  My trainer thinks I am overdoing it.  I can't imagine that my adding a Curves workout could possibly be overdoing it. So here is my question:  do you know of any vitamin deficiency that might cause the bruising or am I working out too much in one day?  Tomorrow I am 3 months out of surgery and have lost 89 pounds.  I feel great and really love the high I get after I have finished both my workouts. And one other question.  Would you experienced exercisers consider aqua aerobics a suitable non-weight workout day activity or is that too much resistance for my day of rest. Thanks you so much for your wisdom.  I appreciate it. Katy B.
Neecee O.
on 4/28/07 10:02 am, edited 4/28/07 10:11 am - CA
zinc deficiency can cause bruising. do get a blood check, just in case. EDIT:  just cruising online about bruising, maybe call your doc or surgeon's offcie just to check in about it. Also, may be vitamin C low, which is easy to fix! Your water aerobics should be okay - it is lots of resistance, but very little impact. I also must comment - your weight training sounds more aerobic than anaerobic to me (using light weights and using hand movements); I think the day of rest thing is an overstatement.  To me, anearobic is heavy weights, full body pressing, a 1-2 minute rest between sets. when one does that kind of resistance training, yes, day off between is very much in order.
on 4/28/07 11:03 pm
Thanks Neecee.  I will look into the zinc.  When I had googled bruising, I didn't find anything about zinc, just Vit C.  I will read up on it now. And I don't use light weights.  Or I don't call them light weights.  LOL  The smallest weights I use during my workout which isn't aerobic is a 5 pound weight in each hand.  The trainer I work with is doctor (DC)supervised.  The doctor laughs that he knows its a good workout because he can't talk for about 10 minutes after he is done.  I did lose two whole sizes in a week and a half of working out. The trainer and the sports med chiro both want me to not do weight or resistance work on days off.  So I feel like I need to stick with that.  I was just trying to find a way to justify water aerobics which I love. One of the reasons I love this trainer is because she is 50 years old (she looks 35).  That is how I want to be--lifelong committed.  I always think I won't be able to make it through the whole workout but then I feel so great afterwards.  For the first time I am loving  working out. But I will go search out info on zinc.  I am scheduled for blood work in another 3 months.  I will call my surgeon and see about doing it earlier.   Thank you. Katy B.
Neecee O.
on 4/30/07 12:02 am - CA
I hope you don't think I was dissing your workout by calling it aerobic?  Au contraire...sounds like a blast and a half.  I think it but i did not say it - you are doing great, but do check in with your trainer - that's why you pay her to call the shots! She may be concerned about you overtraining and then getting burned out more than anything!  you are doing great!!!!
on 4/30/07 11:27 pm

Oh Neecee, I didn't think you were dissing, I just wanted to be clear on what I was doing.  Sometimes it is hard to get everything across when you aren't face to face with people.

I snickered thinking of me laying face down, flat on a bench after doing tricep work and totally sucking wind.  The trainer is always telling me to breathe. She thought I needed more vitamin C and was going to check into the zinc.   I am struggling between being overly cautious because I don't want to injure myself and so much enjoying the feel of working out.  I am on too good of a stride right now.  Today, I am down 90 pounds.  Whoo Hoo.  And everything I want to do beside walk is resistance related. Thanks for the suggestion of the zinc.  Keep them coming.  I am always up for wise advice. Katy B

Carla W.
on 4/29/07 12:32 pm - CA
RNY on 05/08/06 with
Sounds like you are doing great. I work with a trainer 3 days a week as well. I am futher out than you and do mostly superset training that continues the cardio portion of my work out with lighter weights. I am not trying to build but tone and form muscles I dont have at

Water areobics would be a great off day thing for you. Your right, it is not resistance thing and makes you feel good. I would recommend you try it.. I am not a believer in curves myself. i did it for a while and found the routine to repeative, boring and after a while just didnt give me what I needed. I left and joined a gym where I find that the exercises and training can be varied and increased as I improve.

I think you are doing great. do check with your trainner to make sure about the water areobics but I think that should be fine and it is very low impact and if you enjoy it you should do it.. if not for the exercise but because you like it.. good luck.

on 4/30/07 11:38 pm
Wow!  You are about to have your one year anniversary!  Congrats!  You have done awesome.  I was looking at your numbers.  That is great. Thanks for the recommend on the water aerobics.   I know what you mean about Curves and figure that I will outgrow it before too long but I really enjoy the support and social atmosphere.  It is a great way to hang out while doing something instead of eating.  What is the deal with women--everytime we get together there has to be food.  I don't want the food but I am just seeing things differently I guess. I am on the Curves team for Relay for Life and you would not believe the list of junk food everyone has signed up to bring.  I am trying to think of some healthy things to sneak in there.  They are bringing subs, chips, dips, and even Dr. Peppers.  I was going to bring water but a store has donated that for us.  They are all so excited about the sugar fix items they are bringing.  Ick. It is so strange to be on the other side of the looking glass, so to speak. Thanks again for the aqua aerobics recommend.  My trainer isn't much on aquatics but she said it shouldn't be a problem but to be careful and not overdo.  I just needed a little extra affirmation.   Thanks again. Katy B.
Chris G.
on 5/7/07 1:01 am
Water aerobics is a great aerobic exercise because it is non-weight bearing but it also has some resistance.  I would also incorporate walking or light jogging (if you can) for 45 minutes either on a treadmill or out in your neighborhood if it's safe if you are worried about the water aerobics.  Sometimes bearing your own weight in exercises is the only resistance you need.   Water aerobics though is great and just go at your own pace if you decide to pursue it.  Good luck!
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