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Skin is an organ so it will not tighten up from exercise. There will be a certain amount of spring back over a couple years from your surgery. You can create the illision of tightening by working out and building muscle in your arm area. My skin sag is not to bad so I will not be looking at having surgery in either area. I hope it springs back enough that its not to noticable.. My arms look pretty good already and I am only a year out.. the thighs.. I just keep hoping they will come back in
WLS'rs should absolutely expect loose skin issues - it's an acceptable trade-off for the benefits the surgery brings. The amount of weight you've lost, where you carried your weight, genetics, age, etc all play a part in how your skin is going to "spring back" after your weight loss. The younger folks and those who were not overweight for extended periods of time in their lives typically have a better result than those who had some years and significant amount of weight to deal with. Meeting and exceeding your protein requirements, being diligent in keeping your skin moisturized, and supplements like biotin can help minimize the situation.
To further minimize the loose skin, the building of lean muscle mass and toning is the best course of action to address those areas like arms, thighs and the "caboose" too. A good combination of cardio and weights (Nautilus & Cybex for example) will get you the best results. It takes a great deal of work and commitment, but the benefits are well worth the effort!
Cards Fan
Rest in Peace #32 - Josh Han**** - Cardinal Nation Prays for You!