Just wondering...

Angela B.
on 4/25/07 1:54 pm - Somerville, AL
 Hey, this is my first visit over here.  Just wondering????????????Other than the intensity of you guys workouts...whew I'm tired just reading them, what's the difference between this board and the non-surgical board?  I noticed my buddy Neece is over here too.....Isn't both boards pretty much dedicated to exercise and fitness.  I know there are some over here that have had WLS, but there are some over on the non-surgical board as well. Just thinking if we could get together there might be some inspiration for everyone.

10/4/07 surgery 265, 11/7/07 1st fill  252, 12/27/07 2nd fill 243, 1/16/08 234, 2/27/08 3rd fill 230, 5/18/08 209, 6/12/08 home scale 200!!!!!!!!!!! 10/22/08 1 yr......184, 11/4/08.....170, Pouch dilation in April 10, complete unfill. Starting over! 7/29/10-175    

Neecee O.
on 4/25/07 2:00 pm - CA

Don't embarrass me in front of my fitness friends!  Gahhhh.  LOL

Yeah really, i do know several of us pop into here and some other board as well. Why we don't combine some board action, I'd say the biggest reason is, not too many people get into and stay into exercise, wls or not.  But it was a good thought ya had there!

Earl C.
on 4/26/07 1:30 am - Circleville, OH
Hi Angela, I'm a hold over from the Bodybuilding and Resistance training board they used to have on here. There was a separate fitness, cycling, etc... boards.  Jeremy combined them all into this board. I wasn't even aware they had a separate one for non-surgical people.  Neecee seems to know as much or more about WLS than most WLS people, so we let her hang. Just kidding, everyone's welcome here. I don't even consider the WLS part unless someone brings it up. After a year or so, you're pretty much just on a diet like everyone else on the planet. And WLS doesn't change how your body response to exercise or the need to do it...everyday. Earl
Angela B.
on 4/26/07 7:10 am - Somerville, AL
I was just wondering because until last night, I didn't know this board was here.  We have had some increase in our post over at the non-surgical board, and just thought some of us could benefit from the success you guys have had.   I guess it's kinda like the first night I got on the main board and mentioned that I was considering lapband, OMG, did I get slammed, but there was a couple of folks that mentioned that there was a LapBand forum so I just went right on over there and found out that all you have to do is ask and someone will offer you some support. Then I promised my DH, I would try to change my habits for 6 months to try to lose weight before I committed to WLS of any kind, so I found the non-surgical board, and so now I'm addicted. But as I increase my workout, you guys will probably see more of me over here too.

10/4/07 surgery 265, 11/7/07 1st fill  252, 12/27/07 2nd fill 243, 1/16/08 234, 2/27/08 3rd fill 230, 5/18/08 209, 6/12/08 home scale 200!!!!!!!!!!! 10/22/08 1 yr......184, 11/4/08.....170, Pouch dilation in April 10, complete unfill. Starting over! 7/29/10-175    

Neecee O.
on 4/26/07 7:47 am - CA
YAY!!!!  ((((((Angie)))))
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