on 4/25/07 5:44 pm - Westminster, CA
Hey everyone, I am almost 3 years out and down 97 pounds, and I have slacked HARD on the exercise. I was just wondering what kind of exercises you all are doing and how long. Schedule wise things are realllllly hard on me, I work 30+ a week on my feet all day and go to school full time, so between that and homework I don't get much time for anything else. I am going tomorrow to talk to my bosses at work about a schedule change, working mornings so I am out early enough to go the gym and that will definately help out. Any ideas? If you take a took at my profile you'll see the mood I've been in. Basically I feel like a failure and I don't want to feel like that anymore! Someone please help! Anything (constructive) is appreciated!! Thanks Shannon
Neecee O.
on 4/25/07 10:30 pm - CA
You certainly don't sound like a failure! 97#, sounds good to me. From what you describe, I would shoot for short walks - 15 minutes at school breaks here and there a few times a day.  Maybe check out the gym at school - or the track and walk around it before classes or between or??? That's what I used to do when i was getting my degree - I worked 45-50 hours and went to school 4 nights a week.  Weekends were homework, lots of time after class (10:10 p.m. - 12:00 p.m.) I would do my homework to get a jump on it - then up agan at 5:00 a.m. I existed on 5-6 hours a night sleep, made up a little for it on weekends. So i do know how hard this is! I did make time for weight lifting 3x a week - Monday, Thursday, Saturday - just about 45 minutes worth. I chose to do my stuff in the early mornings. Sunday mornings after sleeping in - LOL, I would try to do a big walk.  What suffered in my life during that time was my house - what a wreck it was.  But I had to be before the stupid housework. Just look for all the little holes in your time and plan for those!
Chris G.
on 4/26/07 1:32 am
I too know how you feel, I went through undergrad working 45-50 hours a week at night and went to school during the day. If you found 15 minutes during 4 different times of the day that equals up to 1 hour of exercise a day! You could also do body weight exercises 4 times a day for 15 minutes. These could include push-ups, crunches, stability ball exercises, or balance board exercises. For example, while doing homework (which we all know can add up to hours at a time), take a short 15 minute break where you do 2 sets of 15 pushups (or whatever you can handle) and 2 sets of 12-15 crunches. Do that 4 times while you are doing homework and you're done! As long as you are burning calories through exercise, it doesn't matter how long each session is. If you can get 4 sessions of 15 minutes of exercise a day, you are winning the battle. Good luck!
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