New To The Boards, Have Questions

Shell Marr
on 4/23/07 8:04 am
Lap Band on 06/21/07 with
Hi ya'll...... I've not yet been banded, but I have some quesitons..... I currently work out 6 days a week... Mon - TKB Turbo Kickboxing 60 mins, includes 5 min abs Tue - Upper Body (machines) 30 mins, 30 mins Stairclimber, 10-15 min stretching and abs Wed - TKB Turbo Kickboxing 60 mins, includes 5 min abs Thurs - OFF Fri - Cardio Kickboxing 75 mins, lncludes 15 mins weights & 10 mins abs Sat - TKB Turbo Kickboxing 60 mins, includes 5 min abs Sud - Fri - Cardio Kickboxing 75 mins, lncludes 15 mins weights & 10 mins abs Each of these days I can burn anywhere from 490-715 calories depending on the instructor and the routine being done. My concern is that after I'm banded I will not be able to consume enough calories (carbs) for fuel to burn. I'm also hoping to change my 5K walks into runs and would also like to do half marathons, then full marathons..... as well as become a tri-athelete that right now the only thing stopping me is my weight, I physically CAN'T run... it HURTS too much.... and the heck if I will be seen in public in a swim or wet suit...LOL OK, that is enough for know..... I can expand on it more if others don't understand what I'm getting at...... I guess... I'd love to know that others are able to go go go go go go and still have the caloires and energy to not crap out of faint......  i also have IBS, so SOME protien shakes and anything sugar free is out of the question for me Any help would be great..... Shell Marr
high351/pre307.5/day of surgery 294.4/dr goal 187/my goal 175  

Neecee O.
on 4/23/07 11:50 pm - CA

I am a non-op, but I think i get what you are trying to ask. I would drop the turbo/cardio kick boxing for a while, perhaps one day within six months you may be able to do a low impact version 2x weekly or something. Stick with walks, two 30 minute ones, build up if you feel okay and weight is coming off.  I would add some light weight training, too.  Maybe 15 minutes 3x weekly to start, build up slowly from there.

Good for you - you will uncover a rock hard body one of these days!

Shell Marr
on 4/24/07 3:18 am
Lap Band on 06/21/07 with
Thanks Neecee... I had a feeling it would be 6+ weeks before I could do high impact or lots of abs, and I'm guessing that will depend on how the port incision heals. I guess I'm more worried that I will be so limited on food intake that I will not be able to have the stamina to do this plus more.... I would hate to go backwards on my exercise. I LOVE working out...I just can't keep the fork (or shovel in some cases) out of my mouth...LOL How do others deal with that..... are there are marathon runners or tri atheletes on the boards?? Thanks again Neecee.... any help is help! :)
high351/pre307.5/day of surgery 294.4/dr goal 187/my goal 175  

(deactivated member)
on 4/24/07 8:44 am - Miramar Beach, FL

I do a spinning class 6 days a week, for 50"-60".  Plus, I do Cybex weight training for 30" 2-3 times per week.  That's not quite as much as you do, but it's pretty intense.  I don't have any problem eating enough food to have plenty of energy to exercise.  I eat 1200-1500 calories a day, usually.  I post everything I eat, and my daily exercise on my OH blog.  Feel free to take a look if you want a better idea of what I eat/exercise.


Shell Marr
on 4/24/07 2:44 pm
Lap Band on 06/21/07 with
WOW Tami... you are an inspiration!!  I can't wait to take spin class too... the two times I tried my butt and inner thighs were so raw after...ouchy!!  Then the last time I only lasted about 10 mins... the first time we were told to get out of the saddle the straps on my pedal broke.... there were no other bikes available..... I just got frustrated and left the clas**** the elliptical instead.... Your daily exercise/food looks SO do-able....  I'll be watching it... and see if maybe I can adjust to some of it even prior to getting banded.... I'm HOPING for either the 2nd or 3rd Thurs of June!! (crossing fingers).... Thanks for taking the time to reply to me and accepting me as your friend too! Shell
high351/pre307.5/day of surgery 294.4/dr goal 187/my goal 175  

(deactivated member)
on 4/25/07 2:17 am - Miramar Beach, FL

Hey, thanks!  I love spinning.  It does hurt the ol' bottom at first, but you get used to the saddle pretty quickly.  I'm fortunate to have an awesome instructor at my gym.  She's a master instructor, who teaches other spinning instructors.  If you have a good instructor, she should be guiding you to work at a pace that's appropriate for your own fitness level.  So, you might have an out-of-shape granny riding right next to one of those buff bikeaholic guys.  They both get a great workout, but work at different paces.   But, I gotta admit that I didn't start spinning until I was within 30 lbs. from goal.  Before that I stuck with the cardio machines like the recumbant bikes and elliptical.  Then, I noticed a special beginner spin seminar on the gym schedule, and decided to try that.  I was hooked immediately.  It's so much easier to get my heart rate up to my training level with an instructor guiding me, and I like the group camaraderie (sp?). 

One of the spin instructors mentioned that she's hoping to add a kick boxing class to the schedule.  If they do, I might give it a try.  I'm a little intimidated by most group classes, because I'm just not that coordinated.  That's why I decided to try spinning.  I figured, hey I can ride a bike!   Good luck with your surgery.  As I said in the PM, with your exercise habits, you're a step ahead of many people who get bariatric surgery.   Tami

Shell Marr
on 7/3/07 4:20 am
Lap Band on 06/21/07 with
Well, trust me.... now that I've been banded and I'm increasing my workouts...(see my daily blog's on my profile page) the count down is really on until I can return to kickboxing.... I'm having withdrawls and even watched it being taught on TV when I was recovering at home... LOL  I'll be two weeks post-op this Thurs... so just another month to go!!
high351/pre307.5/day of surgery 294.4/dr goal 187/my goal 175  

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