Wednesday's training

Earl C.
on 4/4/07 2:31 pm - Circleville, OH
2 pm to 3:10 pm 15 min warmup Suspended floor press medium grip Close Grip Floor press Incline Discus flyes 1 Arm DB Laterals 2 Front DB Press Was supposed to work back today but my back is sore already, need more rest. Earl
~Beautiful Dreamer~
on 4/4/07 10:58 pm - Pinellas County, FL
I got to the gym at 3:30pm (30 minutes before my personal training session).  I wasnt sure how I wanted to start, cardio or martial arts routine... then I thought to myself, "You know your body is gonna get use to this if you make it routine..." So I scanned the facility and my eyes settled on the one machine that guarentees that I'd be sweating in less then 5 minutes... So off I went... My body just kinda drove me because my head was screaming: PICK SOMETHING ELSE! So I did some light stretching and climbed up onto the machine... and so begins my work out: 15 minutes Level 4 then to 5 and then to 6 on the Stair Master. 4 sets of 6 Deep Push-ups.  Consentrating on going as low as possible and form not reps. 4 sets of 12 Squats + Forward dumbell lifts.  I did a lot of catching myself when I felt myself off balance. 5 minutes on the Eliptical Tried to do sit-ups but I couldnt feel anything no matter what we tried.  I felt it everywhere else though LOL 5 more minutes on the Eliptical 4 sets of 12 tricep pulls 4 sets of 12 shoulder presses, single extentions (one arm then the other to see if one was weaker then the other) 4 sets of 12 chest presses 4 sets of 12 chest pull-downs 5 minutes of Arc Trainer 4 sets of 8 Lower back extentions and glutes 4 sets of 15 Hip Adductors (outter) 4 sets of 15 Hip Abductors (inner) Then :P I went to school took an exam and went home.

Carla W.
on 4/4/07 11:36 pm - CA
RNY on 05/08/06 with
30 minutes of elliptical
1 hour pilates class
30 minutes supersets of chest and back...

Estimated calories bunr1000+ total eaten for the day 1100.

Deidre V.
on 4/4/07 11:36 pm - Havelock, NC
Earl, don't overdo your back....I started back to walking yesterday and did a 2 mile Walk Away the Pounds dvd..felt pretty good, didn't push myself too hard since I still have some tenderness where the hernia work was done. It felt GREAT to be working out again though! Great job everyone! Dede

308 start weight on 7/18/06
258 50 pounds GONE on 9/26/06
208 next goal 100 gone (done on 3/1)
190 dr goal
150 goal weight
135 current

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