Ab exercises
Ab Exercises: Luckily for us (or is it unlucky sometimes? :D) the abdominal muscles are used in almost if not every movement we partake in. They are one of the key players in our body's core muscles. So while you can "focus" on them to get them to that "burn baby burn" state to tone and build that muscle up, you can work on them with every movement you do. At this point in your recovery, do not worry about targeting that specific area. While targeting is great for muscle toning and building - it is unlikely to improve how much of your mid-section weight is reduced. This is because your body will take whatever resources it needs from a variety of areas that are more convient and easier to extract from. This is why many, including myself, encourage taking measurements because weight comes off so finickly! Add in crunches when you are able to if you want to, but for now just consentrate on proper form and keeping your abs tight when you are doing your normal work out. :) If they have trainers at your facility, inquire about consultations and see what they suggest to help you get the most benifits from working out! Keep up the good work!