Monthly report from Curves--mixed emotions.

Nancy M.
on 3/28/07 2:54 am - Mt. Jackson, VA
Hello all! At the end of January, I joined Curves. Today was my second weigh-in/measurement day. I actually gained 7 1/4 pounds since January 26. On the positive side I have lost 1.75 total inches and my body fat % was reduced by .6% OK I know that muscle weighs more than fat and if the weight gain is actually increased muscle mass that is alright by me. I can see how people get discouraged and give up when the only measurement of success they go by is the scale. I know that is what happened to me several times in the past. Does anyone know how that little gizmo they use to measure body fat knows the difference between fat, bone and muscle? The Curves manager of the gym I go to just said it was magic.
Lap RNY 6-21-04
310/185/145 ?
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Live it to the fullest.
Carla W.
on 3/28/07 3:15 am - CA
RNY on 05/08/06 with
I belonged to curves for a while and decided that it just wasnt the answer for me. their routine is very basic and it doesnt really do much for you. you will burn about 250 in calories for a 30 minutes session which is just not enough. For a 30 minute ellipitical session at level 7 you will burn between 300 and 400 calories. Plus with a regular gym you can take other classes and some strenght training which gives you an over all package of training modalities. In my first month at the gym I lost 9 pounds and 5 inches on my stomach. i lost elsewhere but dont remember the figures. Curves does a total over all loss figure.

With curves you just dont get all the workout, varations in exercise and I personally found it boring. Than you need to augment your routines down the road to make them more intense so they will even continue to help you what little they do.

Sorry to go off on curves I am just not a fan of their program.. as for your question about that device. What it does is take your weight, height, and age to use a basic formula. this formula tells it what to look for. Now their is an electrical current that is somehow sent through your body that takes a calibration of your fa****er and body mass. this gives it the figures you see. It is not as accurate as other test but most gyms use this device because of the ease at which it can be used and is not as expensive and the more accurate ones.

Nancy M.
on 3/28/07 10:19 pm - Mt. Jackson, VA
Thanks for your response. Right now the curves routine is helping me with muscle tone. Because of financial constraints, I worked two full-time jobs for 2 years and finally was able to give up the second job on January 19 of this year. Unfortunately, this schedule did not allow much time for exercise, so I had to start somewhere. I have aerobic videos at home and have been advised to do some aerobic exercise on the days I don't go to curves. This past month, I lost inches from my bust, abdomen, hips and arms. If/when I get to the point that I am no longer benefiting from the routine there, I will graduate to another gym. Sounds like you are doing great.
Lap RNY 6-21-04
310/185/145 ?
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Live it to the fullest.
Star Dust
on 4/2/07 8:14 am - Centennial, CO
I've been doing curves for about 3 years, on and off. I like it for me personally, but it's not perfect. Pros: * It's simple. Go around the circle 2 or 3 times and you're done. Your workout is planned for you. * It costs about the same as a gym. * It's a great starting place for someone who hasn't ever been to a gym and/or is really out of shape. The machines really push me to my limits and I'm not in shape and I would be so lost in a gym at this point. * I am not self-conscious there at all. Cons: * I know i'll eventually grow out of it and need to switch to a regular gym. * My husband and I have different workout routines because it's a womens gym. I think it would be better for us if we worked out together. * Same cost as a gym. I know I mentioned this a pro, but it's also bad because you get less for your money. * Can get boring. My location switches the equipment around once a month but that just messes up my routine! * I haven't lost any weight there, but when I go regularly I do feel more physically fit.
Nancy M.
on 4/2/07 11:15 pm - Mt. Jackson, VA
Thanks for your reply. Love the kitty picture. I'm a cat person also.
Lap RNY 6-21-04
310/185/145 ?
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Live it to the fullest.
Chris G.
on 4/8/07 11:01 am
Personally, I think the manager of a fitness center should be able to explain a little better the answers to questions that his customers ask.  But that's just me...
on 4/10/07 5:15 am
Hey Nancy!  I actually work at Curves...and don't be alarmed if you did gain some weight...that's actually pretty normal for the new clients.  Your body is building muscle and losing fat...which is why your BF% went down .6% which is awesome!  The calories burned during a Curves workout actually depends on the fitness level on the particular individual working out at Curves.  A lot of people consider Curves a social avenue where as others do really enjoy it as their main source of exercise.  It is a great workout if taken advantage of.  Enjoy your Curves workout and don't be discouraged, usually you'll notice a drop in BF% first and then a drop in your weight!  =)
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