Tuesday workout
yeah, i superset but i don't lift the kind of weight you're capable of. i have a bad back so i lift moderately at most but i try for strict form which can make up for the lack of a heavier weight. some days i will try to go heavy. on those days i still superset but with more rest in between sets. oh, i really enjoy your power video links. i'm still amazed at the little asian kid and how powerful he is! i think he must have amazing speed to hoist those weights. the old fast/slow twitch muscle theory in practice......carbonblob
Thanks. I like those links too. They had the whole Pumping Iron video on youtube.com too recently.
Look up http://dieselcrew.com/ or on Youtube search for Diesel lifting. Those guys are freaks. I met some of them at a party and they're not huge guys but they're stronger than a bull.
I'm not really a bodybuilder but still want to big arms and shoulders. Everything else I do is to help my throwing. I do a bodybuilding cycle right after track season is over around August to November or so. More reps, sets and exercises. I'm big on supersets and what I call breakdown sets or stripping or extended set. Just keep pumping and taking plates off without rest until you're left with the bar and a lot of pain. yeah baby!!!
Ok...I'm getting too excited for an old man.
Keep posting.