Weekend training
I've been sick, nursing a chest cold, so no training since Wednesday for me. Figures, the sun came out all weekend and in the 70's when I'm sick as a dog.
Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things tomorrow. Just have a nagging cough now. That will linger on forever.
Just checking in with everyone. Hope everyone else got the exercise in this weekend.
oh man, darn cold. i somehow dodged that bullet so far (as i knock on my wooden head)
I was a good girl.
Friday: nada (FIL , 87 years old, passed away, so that threw a wrench in my intended walk after work)
Saturday: 45 minute wog
Today: 1 hour 25 minutes bike ride, rather leisurely with newbie buddy. But we were in some mild hills. hey, i got sweaty, felt like a work out.