
on 3/20/07 1:54 am - Rock City, IL
HI: I am new to this forum and I have a question for you all.  I am almost 5 months out and a "slow loser". I have been having a difficult time fitting exercise into my day, especially during the cold weather. I have a mini-trampoline at home, and can "run" on it for about 20 minutes.  I have managed to do this 5-6 times.  I have a balance ball that I have tried once, and resistance bands that I have tried a couple of times.  Again----finding the time is a huge issue. Here at work, we have a flight of 21 stairs to the second level.  I have been jogging up and down this set of stairs 2 times every time I get up to go to the shop area, or to the bathroom.  Each set takes less than a minute.  I am out of breath and can feel my heart pumping after each trip (set).  I have done 5 sets (10 total trips) a day as an average.  I have been adding a walk around the full circuit of the shop area the last day or two when I have time and the phones aren't ringing off the hook. Is this small amount of exercise beneficial or am I wasting my time?


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Earl C.
on 3/20/07 9:33 am - Circleville, OH

Do what you can do. Any exercise is better than no exercise. You're not wasting your time. Supposedly, breaking it up like 3 - 10 min cardio session vs. 1 30 min session do the same as far as burning calories. You'll burn just as many calories either way. You're doing better than me. I work on the 3rd floor and 90% of the time...I take the elevator. Good Luck Earl

Neecee O.
on 3/20/07 10:51 pm - CA
Oh anything is better than NOTHING! My only caution would be to take care of your knees. I tried doing some bleacher steps as part of a workout along my way once, and my knees about rebeled on me. I would suggest doing some kind of supportive knee work - lunges, biking when you can to keep those muscles just above your knee strong. I think your mini-workouts are great!
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